b'By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeStilt Walker, Unicyclist, Magician, Clown Extraordinaire I ve known Larry for some years now and the more Ibooking shows beginning in 1952 as Arnold Wheels found out about what he has done, the more amazed& Co. In 1966, he changed the name to Accent I became. So recently I sat down with Larry andEntertainment putting on parties for everything from listened while he showed me old photos and talkedlarge corporations to individual birthday parties.about those memories. Larry, Arnold Wheels has been riding unicycles Larry Arnold Chebowski aka Arnold Wheels wassince 1947 and he has ridden in over 1500 parades born on September 6, 1940, in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Hesince 1955, including all the major parades in Arizona. recalls, My mother had double pneumonia and neitherHighlights include the Fiesta Bowl Parade in 1979 and she nor I was expected to live. We did, but for the firstthe Parada del Sol in Scottsdale in 1980, as well six years, I spent more time in the hospital than atas a few in California, Nevada, Ohio, Michigan, home. In 1946 the doctor said to move to a warmerand New York. Arnold won national trophies climate. We moved to Arizona in a brand-new Hudson,for his unicycling ability and is the only hauling a brand-new Gulfstream trailer, which momunicyclist that bowls on a unicycle with an and dad, big sister, and I lived in for six months. average of 165 and a top game of 269. Larry went to the world\'s 1st International Unicycle My mom, Evelyn, got a job at Fred Rhodes IndianCompetition in 1971. Larry along with his Jewelry, 16th St. & Oak in Phoenix, and they taught herwife Judy and Kevin Seman would bring to silver solder. Motorola came to town in 1948, andhome 13 trophies from NYC.she got a good job there right away. My mother was the first women technician and the first woman to travelArnold patrolled the streets of Legend City in professionally for Motorola. 1960-1961 as a Keystone Cop on a unicycle but unicycling wasn\'t Arnold Wheels\' only We lived at 15th St. & Virginia, next door to Scrubbygifted skill. Arnolds expertise on stilts puts Hill, who was an electrician, and next door to him washim heads above the crowd." He worked Pop Radar who had a Shop Smith. I wasn\'t allowed tofrom a height of 8 to 10 feet, which allowed play at the park, being a sickly child, so I hung out withhim to work almost anywhere. Arnold was an these old guys. I found some old junk bicycle partsoutstanding stilt walker, doing an excellent job in the trash and Pop Radar helped me build my firstof maneuvering while performing his many unicycle. I learned to ride it before my folks found out!antics on the stilts including picking up everyone from Then I helped Scrubby Hill build electronic burglarvery small children to 140-pound adults. He would go alarms. That led to a summer job at Motorola.up and down stairs, dance, and even ride a unicycle, which he did in the Fiesta Bowl Parade andIn 1954, I started at Camelback High School. Inthe Parada del Sol.1958, I started at Motorola and made enough off theThe unicycle and the stilts also put ArnoldWe Grow & Sellsuggestion program to buy a Corvette! ASU came into my life in 1959 for about six weeks. Motorola calledin the movies. A couple of memorable ones me up and made me an offer for a job in Researchwere Used Cars starring Kurt Russell, where and Development and I couldn\'t refuse. I worked on ahe rode his unicycle around the car lot forAlfalfaCow HayBermudaRye GrassPaca VerdeTeffStrawprinted circuit board for their beepers and redesignedthe rich brother doing a show, and in A Star their first beeper at the age of 19. Next, I worked onIs Born, starring Barbra Streisand and Kris623-386-2988baleshay.comtheir brick phone. Can you imagine smartphones didn\'tKristofferson with Arnold at an event at ASU\'s come out until the 80s? I lost my brick phone when ISun Devil Stadium. He made the front page of quit in 1966. In my six years at Motorola, I designedthe Arizona Republic because he was walking over one thousand printed circuit boards. I had threeon stilts, and you could easily pick him out of20600 W. Beloat Rd., Buckeye, AZlight tables and a drafting table to work at the samethe crowd.time. I was working sixty-eight hours a week and I saved them thousands of dollars. DCE DiversifiedThis is just a sampling of what Larry ArnoldMF: 8am5:30pmSat: 8am4pmConsulting Inc. was my company where I built printedWheels Chebowski, or Larry Top Hat" circuit boards for Air Research, Honeywell, MotorolaChebowski has been doing for the past 70 years. and others.He was also a magician for 30 of those years and a member of both Clowns of America and the While associated with Motorola from 1961 toPhoenix Clown Club since 1961. Arnold Wheels 1968, Larry, aka Arnold Wheels worked on thehad about 23 different outfits in his wardrobe.recreation committee as a committee member holding many offices, but most of his talent was facilitatedLarry said, Over the years I\'ve worked in so in organizing the entertainment part of dances,many places. I even worked at Organ Stop conventions, picnics, and company shows. He wasblowing up balloons and making animals for the kids. It was great fun. 16 January 2022'