b'Running the RaceVictim or a Victor?By Betsy Nunnhowfastdouwannab@gmail.com, facebook.com/Willnunnp3, youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannabW hen you think of(the last calf horse her dad trained and another two someone thatshead as well when they got hit on the highway). She victorious or a victorwent on to raise a family with the second fella but is who do you think of? Is it thenow telling him to take a hike. She will rise from the girl that wins often and ridesashes and move forward and accomplish the goals the best horses? Is it the girl or guy that seems to havethat she has had since she was a little bitty kid. She a great marriage? But what if its not all as it seems?isnt going to blame anyone for her choices in life I know of a world champion that had a wreck of abut she is definitely making some new choices. Is it marriage but still won the world. So is she a victorgoing to be easy? Probably not but I dont think you or a victim? She had a bad marriage and eventuallycan keep doing the same things in life and expect a got divorced but she still won the championship fordifferent outcome. Dont get me wrong I am all about the year. What does that make her? I know of a girlmarriage but this girl should have bailed 10 years ago. that lost her favorite rope horse in a terrible accident.So is she a victim?Not a chance, she is a VICTOR.Is she a victim? I also can tell you of a gal thats won quite a bit back in the day. Still has the talent but hasWhat about the girl that lost her rope horse? She been raising her family and is now splitting up withmourned that for quite a bit and by golly you didnt her husband. She is a victor in my eyes and I know hersee her around a whole bunch for a couple of years. very well so I can say that to be true.Lets talk aboutGuess what? She stayed home and trained a new new beginnings and big things on the horizon.horse and now is roping sharper than I have ever seen her. She made the year-end finals at an amateur association and placed in the go-rounds amongst some really tough girls the other day. She and her horse looked like superstars. She literally just started roping on him at the rodeos in the middle of the year. I told her the other day, Um when are we getting our WPRA permit? She giggled and kinda said I know. I told her I am serious. Stop buying jewelry and save up and get it bought. This kid ropes really well. So is she a victim? She could have thrown her sucker in the dirt, laid low, and never came back but she didnt. I am proud of her for sucking it up and getting it handled. She is victorious in my eyes as well. She established abe able to train that new horse or achieve that goal new beginning and is now writing a new story. Thisthey had set in front of them. There are so many new I look up to some of these folks that I mentionedhorse is a blessing to her in a big way and may takebeginnings available to us if we will step out and not above. With the world champion, it isnt because sheher to the NFR and much much more!! Blessingsbe afraid of what the future holds. We cannot shrink won the world but because she needed to get out ofcan come out of hardship. The word says that Heback. We have to forge forward and blaze a trail for that marriage and was able to keep her game face onwill turn ashes to beauty. our kids and the next generation. They are always that year and the years following. It was her attitude.watching you. She went on to win multiple championships andLets talk about why these gals are victorious. They eventually got married again, had kids, and is at theare victorious because they didnt let the naysayersGet after it and go for what you want. If its Gods will baseball field with them. She is a heck of a hand andin their head back them in a corner and then justyou will know and the doors will be wide open for a teacher. She rode multiple horses and won. She isstay there. They took responsibility for their lives andyou to run through. Happy trails and happy New Year a neat person. She is victorious in my eyes. Now, doknew that they had it in them to build a new life. Tomy friends!! I keep up with her and know her personal life much these days? No, but I bet if she were in a similarThere are so many new beginnings situation she would still come out a victor. For her, its a new beginning.The gal getting a divorce used to win a bunch andavailable to us if we will step out and her other half brought her pretty far down. She had married a guy before this one as well who was nothingnot be afraid of what the future holds. to write home about. She lost her breakaway horse 66 January 2022'