b'OLD WEST LEGENDSBenson Stage RobberyBy Dakota Livesayon y This story is about an Old West shootout involving T Pbrothers that was a factor in another shootout months e later involving another set of brothers. Confused? Dont hworry, well sort it out.2nd Hand Store I t was Friday evening June 10, 1881. After aTwo were shot by the Haslett Brothers andtough week at work robbing the Bensonthe third by Mexicans in an ambush, andWe Collect & DeliverStage, where they netted nothing, Billthe second problem was that word got out Leonard and Harry Head were relaxingthat Ike had agreed to drop the dime onYour Merchandise with a few drinks in a local saloon. Threehis friends.FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE sheets to the wind, Bill Leonard started 662 W. Wickenburg Waytalking about a grudge he had with theAlthough he didnt tell anyone about Haslett brothers, Ike and Bill, and how hethe agreement, Ike Clanton was sure the WickenburgOpen MondaySaturday was going to just settle it by killing them.loudmouth was Wyatt Earp or maybe thepony2ndhandstore.com Bill was so vocal that it was but a shorteven Doc Holliday. As a result, Ike started 928-231-2730928-232-2019 time when the Haslett brothers heard aboutgoing about Tombstone saying he was going We Carry Quality 2nd Handthe threats. to kill Wyatt and Doc for lying about him and & New Merchandise Wyatt Earp as things started progressing toward the O.K. The Haslett brothers werent people to trifle with.Corral shootout, Ike Clanton was constantly Your Home Furniture Supplies Store And they decided if a shootout was going tostirring up the pot. Its interesting to note that Specializing in Appliances take place it would be on their terms. So,when the confrontation started at the O.K. Jane and Peter Kibble they waited nearby for Bill and Harry toCorral, this agitator bugged out. pony2ndhandstore@outlook.comleave the drinking establishment. When the stage robbers got within 50 yards, the Hasletts jumped up and began shooting.Bill Leonard was shot just below the heart and Harry Head was shot in the stomach. As Harry was running away the Hasletts put six more bullets in him. Now, there was a $1,200 reward on the heads of the Benson StageDoc Hollidayrobbers but the Hasletts never collected a dime.You see, there was a third stage robber. When he heard about the death of his friends, he got a bunch of cowboys and they went after the Hasletts. Joe Haslett ended up with seven holes in his body, which was nothing compared to Bills dozen-plus holes.Oh yes. I said that this gunfight was a factor in a gunfight involving another groupof brothers.Ike ClantonWell, at the time Wyatt Earp was in Tombstone, Arizona. And he had his eyes on the position of town sheriff that was currently held by John Behan. What Wyatt needed was something dramatic to impress the voters with his skills as a lawman. When the Benson Stage was robbed and John Behan wasnt able to capture the robbers, Wyatt saw his opportunity. He knew if he could bring in the robbers, it would mean victory on Election Day.Wyatt was sure that Ike Clanton knew the R.H. Paulrobbers.So, Wyatt talked to Ike about luring (as named in the his friends to where Wyatt could set up a trap article at right)and capture them.In turn, Wyatt would give Ike Clanton the $1,200 per head reward. The plan wasa good one, but for two problems. First, the robbers were killed before Wyatt could apprehend them.32 January 2022'