b'THE HANGING OF AUGUSTIN CHACONBy Bill Roberts Reprinted from The TravelerH E CROSSED THE BORDER into southern Arizona Territory at will in the late 1880s and early 90s. With two or three companions, he would rob isolated ranches, threaten small-town businesses until they gave him what he wanted, and if necessary, kill. He then would evade capture by escaping across the border into Mexico.Augustin Chacon, 1900Chacon had many friends among his countrymen, particularly inthe posse was Pablo Salcido, a prominent Morenci Clifton and Morenci. Some of his countrymen considered him acitizen, and merchant. Chacon, Franco, and Morales Robin Hood type. Territorial pioneer Anglos thought of him as ahad not gone far. They were holed up in a Mexican dangerous and at times deadly bandit. cabin that overlooked the town from the hillside above. When Chacon and his cronies saw the posse coming, they ran from the cabin and holed up in some large boulders higher up the hill.His name was Agustin Chacon. He was one of severalAfter a couple of years around Bisbee, Cochise border outlaws that at one time or other found aCounty became uncomfortable for Chacon. HisShootout Overlooking Morencihome in Cliftons famous Rock Jail. Chacons reign asrustling operations were getting well known andAs the posse gave chase, moving on the boulders, a a desperado in the southern part of Arizona Territorythe law was breathing down his back. He moved hisheavy gunfight broke out. Franco and Morales ran lasted some ten years. operations to Graham County and to Morenci whereout of the boulders and up over the hill. Deputy he had many friends. Davis and one John Smith spurred their horses and Petty Rustler Goes Big Time gave chase. They killed both Franco and Morales in He started as a petty horse thief and cattle rustler,Morenci Murders short order. Chacon took advantage of the diversion driving horses and cattle from ranches on the AmericanThere he murdered two young clerks at the Detroitby moving into some larger boulders. He fired at the side of the border into Old Mexico, where he hadCopper Company store. Chacon came upon the menposse with a steady barrage of rifle lead.ready buyers. He would then steal Mexican cattle andwhile they were out hunting and fishing on Eagle horses and drive them across the border into ArizonaCreek. Chacon decided he and his men needed thePablo Salcido knew Chacon well. He suggested to Territory where his ally on the U.S. side, Burt Alvord,guns and ammunition the young men carried so heothers in the posse that he go up to the boulders would dispose of them. Alvord was the only Anglokilled them and took what he wanted. and convince Chacon he should surrender since Chacon trusted. He also trusted a few Mexicans. his position was hopeless. The others finally, but He then came up with a plan to rob the Morenci storereluctantly, agreed to Salcidos plan. Salcido got only Alvord and his gang of Angloof Mrs. William McCormack. Chacon, Pilar Franco,a short distance up the hill when Chacon killed him thugs were well known inand Leonardo Morales decided to enter the store onwith a single shot. Seeing Salcido fall, the others in southern Arizona Territory,Christmas Eve, knowing most folks in Morenci wouldthe posse opened up with a relentless barrage of lead where they had been implicatedbe home that evening. At about 11 p.m., all seemedthat filled the crevices of Chacons boulder fortress. in numerous robberies,quiet, and Chacon and his two followers crawledSoon, there was no return fire from Chacon.including a Southern Pacificthrough the transom above the door and dropped train holdup. One of Alvordsinto the store. Just as they gained entry, store managerThe Capture cronies went to prison for thatPaul Becker returned to his room at the rear of theThe posse moved in on the boulders and found one, receiving a short sentencebuilding. The trio held their guns on Becker andChacon on the ground. He had been hit by a glancing in Yuma. His name was Williamdemanded he opened the safe. He refused. bullet that had only made a slight wound in his Downing. When he got outshoulder. But a slug had hit a nerve and Chacon was of the Territorial Prison, heWilliam Downing Becker grabbed at the gun of one of the thugs closesttemporarily paralyzed. He could talk but could not opened a saloon in Willcox.to him. As he did, Chacon grabbed a long butchermove. The posse carried him down the hillside and Like Alvord, Downing was known throughout theknife and plunged it into Beckers body. Chacon andlocked him up. As soon as his paralysis had lifted, he Territory as trouble. His reputation ended one nighthis thugs then fled the store empty-handed, leavingwas moved to the Rock Jail in Clifton.when he beat up one of his saloon women andby the door Becker had used at the rear of the store. Arizona Ranger Billie Speed killed him. Becker, the knife still protruding from his back,He was held there until his preliminary hearing, where crawled to the saloon next door. After a deputy whohe was bound over on a first-degree murder charge Alvord & Chaconwas in the saloon at the time removed the knife,without bond. He was tried in 1896 before Judge It is doubtful that Burt Alvord shed any tears forBecker was taken to Detroit Copper CompanyOwen T. Rouse. The jury found him guilty and Rouse Downing. He was busy at the time running withhospital, where after many weeks, he recovered. sentenced him to hang on June 19, 1897, at the county Chacon and Chacon was a busy man. Mexicanjail in Solomonville. Chacon was being held in the old authorities were hot on his trail in Old Mexico andThe deputy, Alex Davis, then took after Chacon andadobe Solomonville jail while awaiting his execution Chancon had to leave the country, hanging outhis thugs. The trail went up the hill behind Morencinot in a cell, as there were none, but in one large room around Bisbee and Morenci where there were plentyand Davis knew tracking the men in the darknesscalled the Bull Pen. He was shackled and chained in of his countrymen who were friendly towards himwould be impossible. The next morning a posse wasthe large room, which had walls of 2-inch by 12-inch and would hide him if necessary. formed with Davis at its head. One of the men intimbers that lined the old adobe exterior walls.20 March 2021'