b'The Escape Mossman kept Chacon covered. Stiles disarmed Friends of the outlaw managed to smuggle a saw tothe outlaw and handcuffed him. It was the dawn of him and with it, he cut his way through the heavySeptember 4, 1902. The arrest came eight miles below timbers during the night and dug out through thethe border in Mexican territory.adobe into the office of the sheriff. He then merelyMossman and Stiles immediately set out for Naco slipped through a window in the office. Chacon madestation with Chacon. There they boarded the train his escape June 9, just ten days before he was to hang.and at Benson delivered Chacon to Sheriff Parks. But hang he would. Chacon was returned to Solomonville jail and a new After fleeing thehanging date was set for November 14, 1902. Efforts Solomonville jail, noof the Mexican consul to have Chacons sentence trace of Chacon could becommuted to life imprisonment failed.found, despite vigorousThe Noose Ends Chaconefforts by SheriffTwo lawmen, John Parks, and Lee Hobbs escorted Birchfield. The outlawChacon to the scaffold located in the jail yard behind had slipped back overa 14 ft. tall adobe wall. Chacon marched up the 13 the border into Sonora.steps to the platform and asked Sheriff Parks for a cup He also was spottedof coffee. A man was sent to the Solomonville Hotel to now and again aroundhonor the condemned mans request. Appearing cool Cananea and Naco, nearand composed Chacon drank three cupfuls.the U.S. border. EnterBurt AlvordBurt Alvord and BillieHe then made his last statement, addressing several Stiles, two men who still were fugitives in connectionof his countrymen in the audience. He told his fellow with the Southern Pacific train holdup for whichMexicans that he had spent his entire life as a bandit William Downing did a short stint in Yuma. and had gained nothing but trouble. He asked them The Setup to profit from his experiences and to avoid leading Arizona Ranger Burt Mossman and Sheriff Jimthe type of life he had. He then said goodbye to his Parks looked up Alvord and Stiles, and with a littlefellow citizens of Mexico and asked Sheriff Parks if he persuasion, convinced the pair of hoods it mightcould pull the black mask down over his head himself. be to their advantage to get Chacon to come acrossChacon adjusted the cap slowly and carefully. His the border into Arizona Territory to steal some finehands were then tied and the trap door sprung. The horses they knew about. Stiles was working at the timeend of the rope ended a 10-year reign of terror on in Cananea. He knew a relative of Chacon who hadboth sides of the border by Chacon and his gang.a house for rent, so he rented it in hopes of getting toThe body was turned over to Sisto Molino, a relative. know Chacon himself.She lived in San Jose above Solomonville. Sisto put Chacon did not takeChacons body in a wagon with a fast team and rushed to Stiles, as the onlyit to the Catholic Church in San Jose. There, all day white man he trustedand night, it is said that the Mexicans rubbed the was Alvord. Withbody with alcohol and tried to pour whiskey down Alvords encouragement,Chacons throat. The priest and others prayed during Chacon finally agreedthe attempts to revive Chacon but to no avail. By to accompany Stiles todawn, it was apparent that their efforts had failed. the border to pick up theChacons body was put to rest in the small churchyard horses but he would notof the Catholic Church in San Jose. cross the border. Stiles and Alvord had to steal Burton C. Mossman the horses and delivern ythem to Chacon justoT Pacross the border. Alvord said he couldnt come alongehbut would have an outlaw friend take his place in the horse stealing. 2nd Hand StoreOn the last day of August, Alvord sent a telegram to Sheriff Parks to come to Naco at once. Parks did not get the wire for some time as he was out on his ranch.We Collect & Deliver Mossman was at Naco, posing as the outlaw friend ofYour MerchandiseAlvord who was assisting Stiles. The horses were justFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEacross the border in a pasture on the U.S. side.662 W. Wickenburg Way After camping at Naco all night, Chacon, Stiles, andWickenburgOpen MondaySaturdayMossman made breakfast. After they had finishedthepony2ndhandstore.comeating, Chacon and Stiles were rolling cigarettes when Mossman strolled over and asked Chacon for one.928-231-2730928-232-2019Chacon gave him his tobacco and papers. MossmanWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand walked back a few steps away up to the fire with his& New Merchandiseback to Chacon. Then, after rolling the cigarette, heYour Home Furniture Supplies Storeturned toward Chacon. Specializing in AppliancesThe Illegal Arrest Jane and Peter KibbleMossman said quietly, Well, Billie, and pulled hisChacon addressed his countrymen and fellow Mexicanspony2ndhandstore@outlook.com gun, pushing it into Chacons face. At the same time,asking them to profit from his experiences and to Billie Stiles pushed his gun into Chacons torso.avoid leading the type of life he had. ArizonaRealCountry.com March 2021 21'