b"Where theFrom the Back Pavement Ends and the West begins!SHOPS OPEN OF THE BOXDAILY!By John SamsillFor all your team roping questions or to schedule a clinic or lesson you can contact medirectly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.comT eam roping is evolving sport.watch whenever these guys' names were called. To put anDenny GentryI have been competitivelyexclamation mark on their consistency and speed, Jake and roping for over fifty years. IClay set the NFR average record of 59.1 seconds on ten can tell you that every time I havesteers. They set that record in 1994 and it still stands today. thought this sport has reached its pinnacle someone comes alongThe next guys who came along right on the heels of Jake andis staggering and changes it for the better. The first guy to do this wasClay were Speed Williams and Rich Skelton. Again, I wasto me. But Leo Camarillo. He had some help from his brother Jeroldlucky enough to compete alongside this phenomenal team.to me, they and Cousin Reg at first, and then he started recruiting up- The first time I saw a three-second run in the team ropingwere working and-coming headers. Most of them went on to win worldwas Speed and Rich at the Phoenix Rodeo. I was amazed! Itharder than championships with Leo or later on in their careers. Cousinstill amazes me when a team makes a three-second run butanyone else at Reg is the reason I wanted to be a header from a young age.to be the first, thats revolutionary. Although they were verythat time. Even I tried to emulate everything that he did. I even tried toconsistent as evidenced by their record-setting eight worldwith the world use the same equipment he used, tie-downs, reins, and sochampionships each, they were known for being fast. Whentitles already Your own personal Weddingforth. Leo changed the sport of team roping forever and willyou watched these guys rope you knew they had changedwon they kept Coordinator handles EVERYTHINGalways be remembered for that. Leo passed away earlier thisthe rules of team roping. They did things differently thanworking to year and even though I was around him as a kid Ill alwaysthey had ever been done before.improve.from start to finish, and will be there azrusticweddings.com the day of the wedding as well! be thankful that I got to know him as an adult and wasJust like any team that Leo or Jake and Clay were on, SpeedOf course, able to call him my friend. Ill always remember fulfilling a lifelong dream of heading a steer for Leo just like my idoland Rich had to make a mistake, or you simply drew awhen the Reg Camarillo. Thank you, Leo! much better steer for you to be able to beat them. What allconversation of of these guys have in common is that they love the sport ofrevolutionizing The next guys who changed team roping were Jake Barnesteam roping and they always had a work ethic that stood outteam ropingJake Barnes and and Clay OBrien Cooper. I was lucky enough to competeamong their peers. They had all the talent in the world butcomes up you 2021 COVIDalongside these guys. I was able to see these guys makingwhat separated them was how hard they worked, and theyhave to talkClay OBrien Cooperhistory by winning seven world championships each whichstill were open to change. They tried to improve every day. Itabout Denny they have credited to Leo by them wanting to beat hiswas unbelievable to me that Jake and Clay won five of theirGentry. He may not have had an impact on the rodeo world record number of championships. Jake and Clay changedtitles in a row. Then they went on and later won anotheror roping styles, but he changed team roping as a sport. He team roping with their style of roping and how consistenttwo. Speed and Rich won eight in a row. They had set theirwas the first person to put a nationwide numbering system they were. No matter who you were, a team roper makingsights on eight because of Jake and Clays seven titles. Thein place, he put the world series barrier in place, and he his living with a rope, or a fan, you came to the fence topressure that they put on themselves to accomplish that goalwas the first person to payout over a million dollars with Wedding Special the USTRC Finals. Denny is the person who is credited with the huge payouts that are in team roping today. He is also responsible for the level playing field that ropers compete on. In my opinion, Denny not only changed the team ropings we go to, but he is responsible for the boom in rope horse sales and the quality we look for in horses 21 People today. Without big payouts why would someone spend the type of money that is exchanged for rope horses today? Denny made it so the weekend roper could compete for big money and play a bigger part in the team roping industry in general. What does this industry consist of? Roping ONLY $2,100 videos, roping schools, trainers that specialize in rope horse training and sales, horse sales, rope sales, and all the equipment that is required to rope. I dont think anyone can argue the fact that Denny Gentry has had the biggest impact on the sport of team roping as a whole. Call Dina for Details: For women and young ladies Lari D Guy and Jackie Crawford have set the mark. Im excited to see women in rodeo getting the recognition that they have deserved for so 602-469-4560 long. I cant wait to see where our sport goes from here. Even though we are at the pinnacle of team roping as we know it, I feel confident that there are people out there that will change it again. I hope it's someone who is reading this article. LIMITED TIME OFFER! Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box.Thank you to my sponsors, Usher Brand Silver and Derek James Photography Saddlery, Omega Fields Feeds, SaddleRight Saddle Pads, Leo Camarillo Fast Back Ropes, and Hassayampa Veterinary Clinic.For more information: 480-488-9129frontiertownaz.com ArizonaRealCountry.com March 2021 31"