b'in places like Tennessee and the Carolinas knew exactly what that was all about. Moonshiners and bootleggers had been around filling that sort of need for a long time. Fortunately, for Arizona, some of those learned tradesmen also made their way out to our wild and woolly west. Much Moonshine Mountain to my surprise, as I continued my research, I learned that moonshiners worked stills throughout the Superstition Mountain region before and during the Prohibition era. Further to my enlightenment, I learned that I had actually been to several of the places mentioned in Tom Kollenborns Chronicles article and I never even knew it! Some of those locations included Hackberry Springs, Brads Water, Dripping Springs, Whiskey Springs (of which there are several) Fraser Springs, and Tule Springs.One of the stills, built at the most famous of the Whiskey Whiskey Springs Still Springs locations was constructed of timber, copper,Bluebird Mine and Curio Shopgalvanized iron, and had a one hundred gallon capacity Ironically, Arizona was no different in her growth than mosttank. The roaring fire-fed furnace could distill forty gallonssupposed land filled with beer and whiskey drinkers, passed other territories. However, it must be realized that she wasof moonshine a day from sugar, grain, yeast, and whateverits Prohibition Act on January 1, 1915, five years before the very much a late bloomer due to the many political regardselse. Once the white lightning was packed out by burros,Volstead even came into effect. Whoa . . . I had to read that and whatnot to go into here, but one of those regards wasthe whiskey sold for $10 per gallon at local speakeasies. Ofagain! That piece of information took me aback, simply she had no breweries or distilleries of her own and she didcourse like so much else, now that is all just a fond memory.because when Arizona first became a territory in 1863, the not join the Union until 1912. Well, now, as we all knowLouis Ruiz at the Bluebird Curio Shop and Mine on Northold-timers would tell you in a heartbeat that the only thing achieving statehood pretty well took care of itself withApache Trail has what is left of that old Whiskey Springsdry about it was its deserts. The states first brewery was built time and politics. Arizona became the Valentine Statestill on display, along with a lot of other amazing areajust a few years after gaining territorial status, and it held out on February 14th, 1912. However, that shortage of alcoholhistorical information and curios. longer than any other state or territory in a nationwide push was a different although equally significant dilemma thatto introduce compulsory temperance education in schools. still existed. Not everybody, which was a lot of folks, couldThe Superstition Mountain region has very rugged terrainAs arid states go, Arizona was pretty wet.afford to patronize the high dollar establishments any moreand more remote hiding places than the imagination will than the high-dollar establishments could afford to buy thatallow. Some of the areas hidden canyons had sufficientNevertheless, Arizona, now only three years old, saddled much-imported booze to fill the need. water to support illegal whiskey distilling. I could neveritself to become a dry state all on its own. Doesnt sound understand why the shiners had to go so far off thelike much of a platform to run on, but it was true. That American ingenuity to the rescueAmerican workingbeaten path back then? I soon found some interestingsaid, Arizonas prohibition law was not seriously enforced men (and women) have always proved they could findextenuating circumstances that explained why where theyuntil the 1920s when federal agents finally stepped in. solutions to plug needful holes; by another name necessitywent made sense. The moonshiners had done their part but once the feds is the mother of invention. The need for beer andwere involved they were forced underground. They whiskey, bootleg or otherwise, was one of those holes thatAs most people know, the Volstead Act wasnt passed untilneeded to find remote locations with sufficient water desperately needed filling back then! Of course, the peopleJanuary 1920. However, believe it or not, Arizona, thewhere revenuers couldnt find them! Now I knew why continued on page 11DRIVE-THRU,CURBSIDE,PATIO, andRESTAURANT Seating AvailableFamily Style Dinner Specials Catering & PartiesAssortment of baked breads and sweet treats daily!Pies, cakes, and baked goods on order!472 E Wickenburg Way #201Wickenburg, AZ928-684-3252Open 8am8pm7 Days a Week!ArizonaRealCountry.com March 2021 9'