b'Vet continued from page 5signs, warrant floating the horses teeth or even other diagnostics or treatment. Be wary of recommendationsHow often floating teeth is that routine floating is NEEDED.So what does it mean to float a horse\'s teeth? Floatingnecessary varies quite a bit from means to smooth or contour your horse\'s teeth with a file called a "float." Unlike your own teeth, your horse\'sone horse to another. teeth keep growing. At times, your horse\'s teeth may develop sharp edges, making it difficult for her to chewThe goal of every float should food, hold a bit, or simply have pain and discomfort inside her mouth. be to leave the horse with a pain These sharp points most often develop on the upperfree mouth, and free motion of cheek teeth toward the outside of the mouth next to yourthe molars in every direction.horse\'s cheek and on the bottom cheek teeth toward the inside of the mouth next to your horse\'s tongue. These points can then cut into the cheek and tongue making your horse uncomfortable and creating sores. Your horseThe procedure the vet may use on your horse to floatThe goal of every float should be to leave the horse may show resistance when riding due to added painteeth are to first sedate your horse to make them relaxedwith a pain free mouth, and free motion of the molars from the bit pressing against the sores. and then a special halter is put on with a rope thrownin every direction. Ramps or hooks that interfere with over a ceiling rafter or the equivalent in order to holdforward and backward motion of the jaw will cause TMJ Other signs that your horse\'s teeth may need to beyour horse\'s head up. A mouth speculum is used toissues. Wolf teeth and bit seats should be considered if floated are if they are consistently dropping food fromkeep your horse\'s mouth open. The vet will then eithera bit is used. Removing wolf teeth and rounding (not their mouth and you start seeing signs of weight loss.manually file your horse\'s teeth using a rasp in a backremoving) the corners of the premolars is especially Your horse may also exhibit behavior like head-tossingand forth motion to flatten the high points, or may useimportant if a horse has thick lips. The concern is not or opening their mouth frequently. a power tool. Unlike us, a horse\'s nerves end close to theabout the bit hitting these teeth, but the inner skin of gum line, so there is no nerve where the tooth is beingthe lips being pinched when bit pressure is applied. If a The vet or equine dentist will carefully file all yourworked on. The whole procedure is quick and painless -horse is working fine with wolf teeth and no bit seats, horse\'s teeth that need smoothing to achieve a flattaking about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The sedativethen all is good; but if a horse does not seem happy grinding surface between the upper and lower teeth.that is administeredfor example xylazine, detomidine,with his mouth, check to make sure no extra lip tissue is Having your horse\'s teeth floated is well worth it so sheromifidine, butorphanol or acepromazinetakes over angetting pinched.digests her food better, is in better spirits, and makeshour for recovery. The horse should always be monitored riding more enjoyable for you both. following a floating and should not be allowed to eat untilWith dental work, like hoof care, the value of the end fully awake, otherwise they could choke.result is not how it looks or how fancy the tools were, How often floating teeth is necessary varies quite a bitbut how well the horses teeth and mouth functions. You from one horse to another. Some horses seem to haveSome vets will opt to perform hand floating withoutwant the least amount of work done that gives the horse slower-growing teeth and may require floating only oncesedation. Be sure you have discussed which methodthe most comfort and optimal function. every several years while others may require floatingyour vet will be using and that you are comfortable with every few months.that method of floating.BENEFITS: Advanced development and improvementBENEFITS:of equine athletes of all disciplines by Provides hole-body vibrationoffering low-impact, high-resistance therapy Develops and stregthens muscles used inCounters the effects of chronicnormal exercise/conditioning inflammation conditions Adjustable water depths for controlled COLD SALT WATER THERAPY AIDS Improved performanceReduces painweight-bearing exercises IN FASTER RECOVERY FROM:Aids in equine back muscle development Encourages overall muscle developmentTendon injuries ArthritisSpeeds healingAids in prevention of injury Increases back and core strengthHoof injuries (abscesses, bruising, laminitis,Helps correct gait imbalances thrush, etc.) Splints Bruising Swollen jointsCall/Text 602-402-3348 Minimize performance injuriesWind puffs Open wounds 35014 N. 16th St.Phoenix 85086 Increases top line strengthSkin infections and more!Haul-Ins Available Increases range of motion This drug free therapy can be usedWeekly/MonthlyReduces impact on limbs for injury prevention and also to Packages Availableincrease mobility and reduceTraveling Equine, Bovine,Quicker recovery time swelling in the limbs beforeand after competitive Human & Dog PulseJoint decompression events and training.PEMF Services AvailableArizonaRealCountry.com March 2021 7'