b'Apache continued from page 9It didnt matter if peace wasup in Yavapai County. Duringgroups, but they\'d, sure enough, come after yours. The main made with one tribe or one ofthat short six-year period,objective now turned to catching the elusive Geronimo.that tribes bands, the rest stillfrom 1865 to 1871, the might disagreebut they\'d stillApache renegades committedGeneral Crook was finally replaced by General Nelson A. shoot you! over 300 murders and stoleMiles as commander of forces pursuing Geronimo. Where thousands of horses, mules,Crook had relied heavily on his Apache scouts to capture Walker (now a civilian) formedsheep, and pigs. Some of theseGeronimo, General Miles ineptly relied on his white a militia with the Pima anddepredations were nothingtroops to accomplish the task. Miles did eventually catch Maricopa for protection againstshort of barbarous. It wasup to his quarry, but not until putting over 5,000 men the Apaches. At first, it hadThe Apache were excellent scouts. a rare occasion when thein the field and traveling 3,000 harrowing miles without nothing to do with the army,Apache would stop somebody,success tracking Geronimo through the tortuous Sierra but by 1865 the Pima/Maricopa militia built the first adobepillage what they wanted, and then leave without causingMadre Mountains. It was only due to First Lieutenant buildings at Fort McDowell. Consequently, the army issuedanyone harm. Sadly, most of the time the people wereCharles B. Gatewoods diligent efforts that the old the militia Indians uniforms. The Pima were given jacketsfound tortured, then butchered. Fortunately, that terribleChiricahua Apache leader was finally apprehended. It was trimmed in blue and the jackets the Maricopa received wereera ended in 1871. Colonel George Stoneman, an engineer,Gatewood, not Miles, who succeeded in negotiating the trimmed in red. Even though they often fought together theywas busy constructing a much-needed supply road fromacceptance of Geronimo and his 30 followers surrender. could be easily identified and each side had its sergeant inPrescott to Fort McDowell. It was during that time frameIt was September 4, 1886, the date that is generally charge. This tactic guaranteed communication throughoutthat the Fort Grant Massacre took place. considered to be the end of the Apache Wars. the Indian troops. Both tribes cooperated well with the army because of a Lieutenant Thomas Ewing. The lieutenantHeres what happened there. It was reported that 50This historical offering is presented by The Old Storyteller came down to the Pima villages with a small group of whiteMexicans, 100 Papago, and six white men ventured out andthrough the courtesy of an interview conducted by Mr. Sheffer soldiers and he formed up with the Maricopa. Walker, whoslaughtered some Indians. General, now President Grantwith noted historian and author Larry R. Hedrick. The now called himself Captain of the Militia, worked with thecalled the incident murder. President Grant wanted allApache Wars" can be viewed on the popular video series Pima. Walker not only lived with them, but he dressed likethose Apaches and civilians under control. As far as he"Mysteries of the Superstition Mountains on YouTube.them, and he fought with them. The two columns went offknew, these were the people who brought about the heinous toward Apache Leap. However, after they had gone only 25event. The problem was the group massacred the wrong miles north of the Gila River, the column splitLieutenantIndians. Even though it wasnt directly Colonel Stonemans Ewing led the Maricopa over to Tonto Basin and Walker andfault, President Grant nonetheless wasted no time in his Pima continued toward Apache Leap. replacing him with General George R. Crook.Between 1865 and 1871 the Pima and Maricopa continuedI must interject hereHollywood had it wrong again. The working well with the military. They were the scouts andfilm folks gave us the impression that Apaches were always often went out 200 to 300 strong. Normal circumstancesused as scouts by the Army.found them responding to some deprivation caused by the Apaches. The scout\'s general practice was to go out just longRealistically, the Apaches were not used until after 1871. enough to run the culprits down.Contrary to what common belief might be, they made excellent scouts even against their own kind. This was due to To put this timeline into perspective, neither Mesa northe fact they didn\'t like each other any more than they liked Superior existed and Phoenix had only been establishedthe white man. They considered it prideful to get paid to since 1868. One of the older cities in Arizona was Prescottgo out after another tribe. They wouldnt go after their ownGeronimo surrenders, ending the Apache Wars.S H O P D O W N T O W N W I C K E N B U R GSERAPE BLEUFinal LogoFul ColorWELCOME INExperience the amazing style and serviceat Serape Bleu, a fashion + gift boutique located in Downtown Wickenburg. Look for us in our new location! 164 N. Tegner StreetWickenburg, AZ928.232.2600 SERAPEBLEU.COMOPEN DAILYMON-SAT 10 AM-5 PMSUN 11 AM-4 PMArizonaRealCountry.com November 2020 11'