b'CHARITY OF THE MONTHLAS SENORAS DE SOCORRO, AUXILIARY OF THEDESERT CABALLEROS WESTERN MUSEUMT he Wickenburg Cactus Garden Tour will be held in Wickenburg to benefit the Desert Caballeros Western Museum. The open-air tour hosted by Las Senoras de Socorro, Auxiliary of the Desert Caballeros Western Museum will feature residential gardens in the Wickenburg area and will showcase cactus gardens and landscape design of homes located in Rancho de Los Caballeros, Wickenburg Country Club Acres, and Wickenburg Ranch. There will be an Everything Cactus bizarre with fun items from Nest at two of the gardens. Master gardeners and landscapers will be on location. Enjoy the fresh air and be inspired by a safe tour of the gardens! Date: Saturday, November 7, 2020Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost: Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online atLasSenoras.org or at the door the day of the event. Will Call: Tickets and maps may bepicked up and at the Wickenburg Community Center at160 N. Valentine Street on the day of the event. Refreshment trucks will be on hand! The Wickenburg Art Club will be hosting a Holiday Market at the community center throughout the day. For more information on the Holiday Market visit wickenburgartclub.org. CDC guidelines and social distancingwill be followed. Please check the Las Senoras website for timely updates at LasSenoras.org.Las Seoras de Socorros mission is to promote and advance the welfare of the Desert Caballeros Western Museum through service to the museum by fundraising, building relationships, and bringing the community together. In 1974, a devastating fire destroyed the original Desert Caballeros Western Museum and all appeared to be lost. Thats when founder H.K. Mac MacLennan came up withthe idea of askingSPONSORED BYWickenburg women to help raise fundsand provide volunteers. It didnt take long for the fledgling womens group tobuck up.Las Seoras de Socorro is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. ArizonaRealCountry.com November 2020 61'