b'Thank You For Your ServiceFrank ShankwitzU S Air Force, Air Police Base Patrol RAF Base Patrol, Upper By Bob Roloff, Heyford, 1965The Arizona DuuudeYou can follow Bob on Facebook.Hank Shaffer I n the USA Veterans Day is November 11th, the anniversary of the signingThe "Old Storyteller"Navy Fleet Band 107of the Armistice, which ended World War I and the hostilities between Tonkin Gulf, USS the Allied Nations and Germany. It was 11 am on the 11th day of the 11thChicagomonth of November in 1918, one hundred and twelve years ago.In the passing of time, when greater events occupy the attention of the world, some things are forgotten that should be remembered. This is theCliff Hughesfirst sentence in Louis L\' Amours Where There is Fighting from 1960. I was Charlie Co. 1st Antiso taken when rereading this story that I felt we needed to be reminded toTank BTNrecall some things, especially in the times we are living in right now. 7th Marine Reg.One is to not forget the high price of freedom. Freedom is not free. We are Chu Lia, Vietnam 1967the home of the free, because of the brave. We honor our veterans for being there for our freedom. A veteran is someone who at some point in their life, wrote a check made payable to the United States of America for any amount up to and including their life. Author unknown. Terry Porter, Sgt. USAF Danang, Vietnam 67-71Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all military personnel who 376 TFWing.served the United States in all wars, particularly living veterans. There areCommand Postalways those that will answer the call when their country asks for help. Some don\'t wait to be asked; they see the need and don\'t hesitate to step forward and say, Reporting for duty.Molly Westgate, MajorWhen you step into the military you put your private life on hold. For most, Womens Army Corps - it will be a temporary enlistment, for others a lifetime career. DependingTelecommunicationson whether it is peacetime or wartime, and where their duty station is, maySan Francisco, Camp Zama determine their fate. For those that have a successful private life going, andJapan and Thailand.then choose to put that on hold to serve their country is why we say, Thank Company Commanderyou for your service. in Germany (Captain) Evaluation Officer for We always hear about movie stars and well-known men and women whenReserve and National they sign up for military service but what about those whose names we don\'tGuard units in the twelve recognize? They signed up; they put their lives on hold too. We all havewestern states.family members, friends, or co-workers that have served in the past or are now on duty somewhere in the world. I have picked a few of my friends, co-workers, and a young family member that recently joined the Marines, to say, Thank you for your service." You can substitute your family, friends,Rod Timanusor co-worker to thank after reading this tribute to veterans. My picks are U.S. Army Infantry,representative of all the many names that are not well known to the public, but they all served honorably. 1968-1971 Vietnam 1969, American There are so many stories of men and women who have sacrificed so muchDivision, 11th Brigadefor their country. You\'ve heard the saying, All gave some, and some gave all." Germany 1970-1971, With all the available information on the internet, it can get overwhelming.1st and 4th Armored At the same time, it is great to know that it is all there and easily available.DivisionMost importantly it is keeping military history alive for everyone. The Vietnam War was a huge life interruption. Far too many never returned, and for others, life would never be the same as it was. It left open wounds and scars that still haunt them today. Titus Fulsome Graduated boot with the So as we gather together with family and friends this Thanksgiving, we willUSMC on 09/25/2020not only give prayers of thanks for what we have, but prayers of strength and Currently in Marine healing for those that have suffered and lost loved ones due to war, fires,Combat Trainingfloods, hurricanes, violence, and now COVID-19. GOD BLESS ArizonaRealCountry.com November 2020 13'