b'The Bottom Line FEED the NEEDBy Mark Melkowski602-793-6493 or mark@eagleadvisorygroup.comA nother month has gonethat need to be addressed so that you keep all that you made by; our country is goingand so you can produce the income you desire. through an election and possibly a new administration.The sequence of returns risk is one area where you should If we see changes at the topnot let your guard down and you must understand. Theother items we have, so explore the idea of insuring your there could be new laws that willsequence of returns will probably not hurt you duringincome for life. This is a step that a lot of people overlook affect your retirement. Retiring today is nothing like theyour accumulation years, but it can be very devastating inwhen they are nearing retirement or are already retired. retirement our parents experienced. Most of our parentsyour distribution years. If you do not understand or have received a pension and Social Security, and most of ournot focused on this, it would be a good idea to start toAlso, please look at long-term care. 70% of us will be living parents stayed with the same company for their entire lives.comprehend how it could affect you.in an LTC facility for up to three years with the average cost Today that is not necessarily true.being around $250,000 for those years. You should also address the risk factor in your funds In todays retirement, we face many new and differentthat are invested and decide what you are willing to loseA lot of us have the resources to make sure that we live challenges such as interest rate variations, marketand still be comfortable or if you are not willing to losethe lifestyle we would like in retirement. It is up to us to conditions that change in an instant, global debt, taxanything. Figure out what your risk level is on a scale fromeducate ourselves and take advantage of all the tools that changes, and employee retirement plans that are much1-10, and then apply the rule of 100 to that calculation.will guarantee our income, pass our assets along in the different and sometimes non-existent. In 2020, the virusThis simple rule could help you keep your retirementmost tax-efficient way possible, and protect ourselves in has tremendously affected how we live and will retire.accounts more secure. the event that there is a medical or long term care problem. Regardless of the changing atmosphere, we all need to takeRemember, it is not what you make, it is what you keep and control of our finances and educate ourselves so we canNext, determine how much income you and your spousecan spend.eliminate our financial illiteracy. You may be working withwill need in retirement. Add up the guaranteed income an advisor or advisors, but in the end, it is up to you toyou will have including social security and pensions, andWe are here to assist you in any education that will be helpful educate yourself to better understand and discover smartmake sure you address the fact that if one of you passesto ensure your retirement is what you want and desire. strategies that will help you accomplish your retirementaway prematurely you will lose the smallest social securityThrough the American Retirement Institute and Retirement dreams and goals.payout. For example: If you need $6000.00 per month ofArchitecture, we can provide you all that you will need to guaranteed income and your combined social security andmake an intelligent decision and give you S.W.A.N. (Sleep A key point that we all need to focus on in retirement is notpensions are $3000.00, then you will need to figure how youWell at Night) in your retirement. Please contact us at www.how much we make on our funds, but how much we canmake up the additional $3000.00 of guaranteed income.arizonafs.com or call at 602-793-6493, or email Mark at keep and spend in retirement. There are a couple of ideasRemember, we all insure our homes, cars, and sometimesmark@eagleadvisorygroup.com.NOW HEAR THIS.41ST ANNUALBLUEGRASS FESTIVAL FINALLY, LOW SUGAR FORAGE!NOVEMBER 13-15, 2020EVERETT BOWMANRODEO ARENA Key Product Benefits:Treat yourself to a feast for the senses this seasonas masters of bluegrass return to Wickenburg Low Sugar/High Fiber Forage for a legendary three-day annual event. Save the DateAll-Natural Alternative for Horses with IR,GOLD RUSH DAYSFEBRUARY 12-14, 2021 Cushings Disease or Tying-Up SyndromeCheck our online calendar for more news Great for Overweight Animals Newabout events out Wickenburg way.PRODUCTVisit standleeforage.com to learn more.928-684-0977OUTWICKENBURGWAY.COM Proud sponsor of:FACEBOOK.COM/WICKENBURGAZ 16 November 2020'