b'HARD CASE: JOHN WESLEY HARDIN walked up to the table. Bideno tried to pull his gun underJane Gives Birththe table. He didnt make it. Hardins bullet ripped into hisJohn Wesley and Jane had their first child, a girl, on forehead right between the eyes. February 6, 1873. The child had an impact on Hardin, who a few months later rode into Gonzales, Texas, and turned Bent On Killing over his guns to Sheriff Richard Reagan. Hardin said he Authorities began to realize that there was something aboutwanted to face all the charges against him and wipe the Hardin that made him turn to kill as the only solution heslate clean. It didnt work out for Hardin. He was put in a could find to the difficulties he encountered. There was nocell. A nervous guard was fingering his six-gun in terror real pattern to his killing. He killed lawmen, federal soldiers,at the thought of being faced by the notorious James and anyone else who confronted him. Hardin seemed alwaysWesley Hardin when he brushed the trigger and the gun to have a reason to kill someone, regardless of where he went. accidentally discharged. Hardin was shot in the leg.In some of his letters, Hardin wrote that he became aThe bullet was removed and Hardin spent months in the fugitive after killing Mage because of the injustice andjail in Gonzales. During this period, Hardin heard that misrule of the people who had subjugated the South.authorities were compiling evidence for as many killings Hardin had an explanation for all of his killings, oftenas they could link Hardin to, justly or unjustly.He became political, often self-defense, often to right a wrong. He sawconvinced there would be no justice for him in Gonzales. himself and his guns as the only real justice around. HisRelatives smuggled a small saw to Hardin and he sawed letters tell of a man torn by inner conflicts, burning withthrough the bars and escaped.anger, who saw injustice everywhere and sought to right it. It was a deadly burning inside a man who sought to dowse itHome Town Celebration with drinking and gambling. Comanche, Texas was John Wesley Hardins hometown. The local sheriff, John Karnes, held no warrants on Hardin and A Certain Style knew the gunfighter well. Hardin was celebrating his 21st Hardin held himself in high esteem, although deep inside,birthday on May 26, 1874, when Comanche County Deputy he had his doubts. He covered those doubts with a certainSheriff Charles Webb rode into town. Webb was intent style that made him a hero to some. An example was hison arresting or gunning down John Wesley. The deputy handling of an incident in Smiley, Texas in September ofpretended he did not even know Hardin. 169 E Wickenburg Way1871. Two black Union soldiers were in Smiley lookingWickenburg, AZ 85390for Hardin, as were federal troops all across Texas. HardinKarnes had warned Hardin that Webb was out to get him, heard they were in town at the general store having a bit todead or alive. Webb was making his rounds of the local928-684-6123eat. He walked into the store and approached the soldiers. Isaloons in hopes of finding Hardin when the gunfighterOpens at 11:00am DAILYhear you are looking for John Wesley Hardin. Do you knowsuddenly appeared in front of the deputy. Hardin spread his what he looks like? Hardin asked. coat open to reveal his guns and asked Webb, Do you have any papers for my arrest? Webb replied, I dont know you. The soldiers identified themselves as John Lackey and GreenMy name is John Wesley Hardin, the gunfighter replied. Parramore. Parramore replied to Hardin saying, No sureNow I know you, said Webb. But I have no papers for dont. We have never seen him but we are looking for him andyour arrest. when we find him we plan to arrest him. Well, Hardin said, you see him now! His hands crossed and both pistols flashedHardin nodded and then invited Webb to have a drink with instantaneously. Parramore dropped to the floor dead. Lackeyhim in the saloon. Webb agreed and Hardin turned his back took a bullet in the chest and another in the mouth but ranand started to walk into the saloon. Look out! shouted from the store and escaped. He survived his wounds. a friend of Hardin. Hardin recognized the voice as that of Bud Dixon. In one smooth motion of incredible speed, Time for Love Hardin whirled about cross drawing his guns at the same Hardin was 19 when he met Jane Bowen. He was in lovemoment. Webbs gun had just cleared leather when Hardins but felt with a record like his, he should delay marryingguns blazed. The deputy managed to get one shot off that Jane until he could get a fresh start in some other part ofhit Hardin in the side as he fell, after taking one of Hardins the country where he wasnt known. Jane talked him out ofbullets to the head.delaying their marriage and Jane became the wife of one of the most notorious killers in the West in March of 1872. Bud Dixon and Jim Taylor, standing nearby, filled Webb The marriage did not curb Hardins ability to attractwith lead as he lay dying in the street. Deputy Webbs killing trouble. He was in a game of ten pins and had been beatingcaused an official uproar and a $4000 reward was put on most around at this game. A man named Phil Sublett,Hardins head. Even in Comanche, citizens were so outraged known as a small-time gunfighter, had been watchingthey lynched John Wesleys brother and two of his friends. Hardin play. He challenged Hardin to play him at $5 a setJohn Wesley took his wife and child to Florida under the and Hardin agreed. Hardin beat Sublett six straight games.name J.H. Swain. There the couple had their second child, a Sublett felt he had been suckered into the match and leftson. From Florida, they moved to Alabama. J.H. Swain went the saloon. into the logging business and bought and sold horses. The couple had another child, a girl, named Callie.He returned a few minutes later with a shotgun and let both barrels go at Hardin. One load of buckshot found its markRangers Hunt Him Downin Hardins side. Badly wounded, Hardin still managed toThe killing of Deputy Webb, justified or not, was Hardins draw his guns and stagger outside after Sublett, who had fledundoing. The public outrage was so heavy that the Texas after blasting Hardin with the shotgun. Sublett was runningRangers began a concerted effort to track him down. Hardin down the street when Hardin fired. Sublett fell with a bulletwas on a train with a man named Jim Mann when word in his back.reached the Rangers that their man was traveling from Florida to Alabama.Hardin then collapsed in the street. His relatives rushed to pick him up and spirited him out of town and into hiding atIt was August 23, 1877. Ranger Lt. John B. Armstrong rode a deserted ranch house in Angelina County. A doctor wasinto Pensacola with a posse and boarded the train Hardin summoned and Hardin was operated on without anesthetic.was riding. Armstrong took a seat and looked across the The surgery saved his life. While he was recovering, wordaisle. John Wesley Hardin was sitting alone, his head in the got out where he was. Two policemen crept up to the oldpalm of his hand and his elbow resting on the window sill. ranch house and aimed at the bedridden Hardin throughArmstrong got up and stepped into the aisle, pulling his gun an open window. They missed. The two lawmen then ranat the same time and pointing it at Hardins head. Hardin for their horses in front of the house. Hardin crawled out ofreached for his guns, but Armstrong brought his pistol bed, grabbed a shotgun, and made his way to the front door.down hard on Hardins head, knocking him unconscious. He got off two shots at the lawmen as they were running for their horses. Both were injured but managed to reach theirJim Mann, Hardins companion, jumped from another horses and escape. seat and fired a shot at Armstrong. The bullet knocked the continued on page 22ArizonaRealCountry.com November 2020 21'