3 October 2018 Hosted by Gary and Carole Wilder, WELCOME TO BOYD RANCH, WICKENBURG, AZ 86334 October 26-28, 2018 SECOND EVENT IN 2018 WILD ROSE BUCKLE SERIES CHARITY EVENT – 100% OF PROCEEDS BENEFIT BETHANY’S GAIT, PRESCOTT, AZ. WE RIDE TO GIVE BACK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 – OBSTACLE RACE AT A WALK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 – 6 MILE SLOW AND FUN TRAIL/OBSTACLE COURSE RIBBONS AWARDED 1ST THROUGH 6TH PLACE – DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS RIDERS SELECT THEIR DIVISION: NOVICE, PLEASURE, ADVANCED SCORES WILL COUNT TOWARD BUCKLE SERIES BEAUTIFUL BUCKLES – 1ST , 2ND , 3RD PLACE SPECIAL TACK ITEM – 4TH , 5TH , 6TH PLACE FEE: $55.00 UNTIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23; LATE ENTRY DAY OF RIDE ADD $10.00 For info and to register: Go to Bethany’s Gait Ranch for Heroes website. Questions call Gary at 928-595-0428 or Carole at 602-686-2435, email: Additional Buckle Series Events Nov. 16-18: Dale Creek Equestrian Village, Litchfield Park, AZ Jan. 12-13, 2019: Tucson Equestrian Center, Marana, AZ Wild Rose Horse OBSTACLE CONTESTS How much riding experience do I have? Have I only been on a dude ranch trail ride or have I taken a fair number of riding lessons? Do I have a great riding instructor or good friends that have horses that will be there for me to help me get started in the horse world? Have I spent enough time in the saddle that I can honestly say I am not afraid of horses and am ready to take on the responsibility of owning one? Am I ready for the time commitment? Unlike a dirt bike, a horse can’t be left in the barn when I don’t feel like going out for a ride. Do I have the time to ride the animal regularly, week after week, year after year? Does it fit into my lifestyle? Where will I keep the animal? Am I willing to commute to a barn or horse boarding facility if the horse is not kept at home? If the animal is kept in a stall, can I honestly make the time commitment to get a horse out daily for exercise? Every day? Am I ready for the financial commitment? Have I investigated the true cost of owning a horse? Considered the hidden costs; things like a truck and trailer, unexpected vet bills (believe me, they will occur), travel expenses, horse supplies and feed in general? If you can honestly answer these questions with a resounding YES, then I’d say you are ready for your first horse! Are You Really Ready to Own Your First Horse? ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS