b'Arizona In Celebration of theREALNATIONAL DAY OF THE HORSECOUNTRY U.S. NATIONAL DAY OF THE HORSEDECEMBER 13the magazine N ational Day of the Horse is a day to remember the economic, historic, and cultural contributions that horses have made. Mike Barna Equine enthusiasts across the country get together Publisher on December 13 to show their appreciation for ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com these majestic creatures. The domesticated horse we know today, also Erika Smith Royal known as Equus caballus was introduced into Editor North America by Spanish explorers. Escaped erika963realcountry@gmail.com horses eventually spread across the American Great Plains.Misty Voitovski Interestingly, there is a debate about the origin of Creative Director E. caballus. There have been recent mitochondrial studies of an ancient horse called Equus lamei. E. Contributing Writers lamei once populated North America and died out more than 11,000 years ago. The studies suggest it Lee AndersonBob Boze Bell is genetically equivalent to what we know as the modern, domesticated horse. This could meanestimates that the horse industry contributes Bridgette CrosbyPete Floresthat E. caballus is technically a native species andmuch more than $100,000,000,000 each year to Daphne LambertJustin Legler its evolutionary origin is North America. the economy of the United States: Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the SenateBetsy LemaireNaomi Loomis Aside from the anthropological debate, the horse(1) designates December 13, as National Day of Dodge MarshallRandy Miller has contributed greatly to the advancement ofthe Horse, in recognition of the importance of civilization in North America. From clearinghorses to the security, economy, recreation, and Jim & Bobbi Jeen Olson forests for farmland and a form of travel bringingheritage of the United States;Bill RobertsAlan Rockman pioneers to the west to diversifying Native(2) encourages all people of the United States to Americans hunting habits and rounding upbe mindful of the contribution of horses to the John SamsillMichele Wilson livestock on ranches, the horse is embedded ineconomy, history, and character of the United American history and legend. States; and(3) requests that the President issue a 801 W. Wickenburg Way The first National Day of the Horse wasproclamation calling on the people of the United recognized by Congress in 2004.States and interested organizations to observe the Wickenburg, AZ 85390 day with appropriate programs and activities.Sen. Bill Campbell (R-Colorado) submitted a (602) 254-6644 resolution to institute National Day of the HorseThe following statistics are from the American on behalf of himself, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah),Horse Council Foundations 2017 National ArizonaRealCountry.com Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio), and Sen. MaryEconomic Impact Study.Landrieu (D-Louisiana) on Oct. 7, 2004, and it passed on Nov. 18, 2004.The horse industry contributes approximately $50 billion in direct economic impact to the U.S. The full text of the resolution reads as follows: economy, and has a direct employment impact Designating December 13, as National Day of theof 988,394 jobs. Additionally, the industry itself Horse and encouraging the people of the Unitedcontributes $38 billion in direct wages, salaries, Follow Arizona RealStates to be mindful of the contribution of horsesand benefits.to the economy, history, and character of the Country for news, events,United States. From those direct effects, the horse industrys giveaways and more! contribution ripples out into other sectors of the Whereas the horse is a living link to the history ofeconomy. Adding these ripple effects results in the United States; an estimate of the total contribution of the horse Arizona Real Country is owned andWhereas without horses, the economy, history,industry to the U.S. economy of $122 billion, and published by Barna Broadcastingand character of the United States would bea total employment impact of 1.7 million jobs.LLC. No person, organization or partyprofoundly different; Some key industry statistics and economic can copy or reproduce the contentWhereas horses continue to permeate the societyindicators:on our website and/or magazine orof the United States, as witnessed on movieESTIMATED NUMBER OF HORSES INany part of this publication withoutscreens, on open land, and in our own backyards; THE U.S.: 7.2 millionWhereas horses are a vital part of the collective a written consent from the editorsexperience of the United States and deserveESTIMATED NUMBER OF HORSESpanel and the author of the content, asprotection and compassion; BY ACTIVITY:applicable. The publisher, authors andWhereas because of increasing pressure fromRecreation- 3,141,449contributors reserve their rights withmodern society, wild and domestic horses rely onShowing- 1,227,986regards to copyright of their work. humans for adequate food, water, and shelter; and Racing- 1,224,482Whereas the Congressional Horse CaucusWorking- 537,261continued on page 7ArizonaRealCountry.com December 2022 5'