b'Crazy Horse continued from page 55officers, resentful on being assigned to remote, desolateWarren was a humane officer and dreary locations, would become alcoholics themselvesthroughout a distinguished with a holier-than-thou condescending attitude towardscareer. He would witness the "inferior" natives. One such officer was 24-year-oldpossibly saving the Union Lieutenant John L. Grattan. Grattan was just aching toat Gettysburg by quickly find a reason to attack and destroy the nearby Sioux,deploying troops to the and that chance came on August 17, 1854, when a Siouxstrategic Little Round Top warrior shot an arrow and killed an old, lame cow slowlywhen the unwise General falling behind an emigrant wagon train moving westward.Sickles pulled troops off The angry owner of the slain cow, a Mormon emigrantof it. He was subsequently demanded justiceand after Grattan\'s commanding officerpromoted to major general, at the recently built Fort Laramie, an equally alcoholic,but his career would condescending towards natives, young officer namedultimately be derailed by Hugh Fleming, met with Oglala chief the old ConqueringPhil Sheridan after the Bear and demanded that Conquering Bear turn over thelatter accused then-General offending warrior to face white man\'s justice. ConqueringWarren of the "slows" during Bear, anxious to avoid trouble, offered to give one of histhe Civil War battle of Five personal ponies to placate the angry Mormonbut inForks. That penultimate the eyes of Lieutenant Fleming, this would not do, so hefight determined the fate ordered his subordinate Grattan to take 31 soldiers, twoof Petersburg and the cannons, and a Metis (half-French Canadian, half-native)beginning of the end of the scout named Wyuse who was deeply hated by the Sioux toConfederacy. Warren wrote teach the Sioux a lesson. movingly after the fate of the surviving innocent and badly-wounded Sioux civiliansrival as Red Cloud chose accommodation with the whitesGrattan and his men approached the Sioux camp, within the wake of Harney\'s devastating sweep of the Siouxand then subsequently as the two top chief lieutenants the drunken Wyuse shouting insults and obscenities atencampment: "The sight (Warren would later write after(along with Gall) of Sitting Bull, how his becoming Crazy the already restless and deployed Sioux warriors. Grattanhe tended to the wounds of the innocent Sioux survivingHorse, "The Strange Man of the Oglalas" (as famed Old West demanded once more that Conquering Bear turn overwomen and children) was heart-rendingwounded womenauthor Mari Sandoz would refer to him) would embark as the warrior who had killed the cow or face consequences,and children crying and moaning, horribly mangled by thea warrior chief on a road that led to the Platte River Bridge and when the old chief refused, Grattan ordered his menbullets" (Viola, Herman J., Exploring the West, Smithsonianaffair, the Fetterman Massacre, then to the Little Big Hornto open firefiring the two cannons too high to do anyBooks, Washington, D.C., 1987, p. 136). and, just a little over a year after the Custer Massacre would damage to Oglala encampmentbut a brief rifle volley didlead to his death by bayonet at the hands of an enraged find its mark in the body of the old chief Conquering BearFor their part the Sioux chieftains and warriors includingsoldier while his hands were pinned behind his back by who died instantly. The enraged Sioux warriorsover 600Curly, were impressed by Warren\'s calm demeanor and hishis own former Oglala friends. Well, that\'s another very of them fell upon the less than three dozen soldiers andobvious known sympathy for the Sioux, (they may havefascinating story to be told.massacred them to a manone terribly wounded soldieralso known of Warren\'s care for their injured relatives and was said to have barely made it back to Fort Laramie beforefriends, and thus, chose to let his surveying expeditionFortune Favors The BraveAlan Rockman succumbing to his wounds. Wyuse briefly survived, butwhich ironically did much for the further expansion of hiding in a tepee he had crawled into, was soon set up bythe United States but in the long run proved to be quitePick up our January issue for Part 2.the warriors, and hacked to death. It is said that Curly hadharmful to the Sioux as the expedition\'s findings would witnessed it all, watching with amazement how the warriorsbring more white settlers had so quickly dispatched the small force. Then he andinto the Dakotas and the a group of fellow Sioux boys went to the tepee where theSioux would ultimately mutilated carcass of Wyuse lay, and in one of the Sioux\'slose their land throughART FROM THE HEARTmost ultimate insults all stripped and "let" the unseeingwar, unscrupulous dealings eyes of the dead Metis scout "view" their naked bodiesand downright theft) goKikis Kottage Gallery & Little Treasures(Ambrose, pp. 61-65). unmolested through their territory. It was a gesture Until that time, the young Curly had killed only animalsitof respect that would onlyTHIS MONTHS FEATURED ARTISTwas in the following year when he killed his first of many tovery rarely be allowed in fall at his hands when he accompanied his father on a horsethe then-coming yearsasWILLIAM AHRENDThunting expedition, encountering hostile Omaha warriorsvery soon it would be theDEC. 4th 2:00 PM4:00 PMwho soon attacked them.During the swirling fight, Curly,renamed Curlynow known viewing from the sidelines saw an Omaha warrior crawlingas Crazy Horse, who as theB ill knew he wanted to be through the brushhe shot an arrow and killed the man.feared and exceptionallya painter from the age Only it wasn\'t a manit was, as he discovered when hecourageous war chief ofof 7. His mother enrolled scalped the dead enemy, that the he was a shean Omahathe Oglalas would lead hishim in classes at The Cleveland woman! Ashamed at what he had done by killing a woman,warriors into battle killingMuseum of Art and his life the still preadolescent about to become a teen Curly wasmany other menboth redwas forever changed. Upon also teased by the older warriors for leaving the scalpand whitein ferocious,graduating from the Cleveland behindbut only briefly as they saw no dishonor in theoften hand-to-hand orInstitute of Art, he won the coveted European Study Scholarship dispatching of an enemy. knife to knife combat.and went on to study for one year, however, his discoveries in the Crazy Horsea name thatmuseums of Europe kept him there for 11 more years.He attended the Munich Academy of Creative Art and studied the For the next decade, the soon-to-be-renamed twiceaseven as early as the end ofpainting techniques of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Crazy Horse and also briefly as the quite unflatteringthe following decade of theBill returned to the USA in 1968, earning his Masters Degree in Wormthis after a wife diedwould hone his skills as a1860s would strike fear andArt History at ASU in Tempe, AZ and became the Art Department warrior and develop as both a man and as a chieftain-in- loathing into the heartsChairperson at Glendale Community College. He is now retired and waiting. According to at least one major source he may alsoof many whites on thedevotes his time to the creation of historical paintings of the West have befriended one exceptional white army officerthefrontiereven though theyin his studio in Pine, AZ. His works are highly sought after by very young future hero of Gettysburg, then-Lieutenantknew very little if anythingcollectors worldwide and here is your opportunity to meet him!Governor Kemble Warren when Warren took his surveyingabout the man himself, how expedition through Sioux territory in the wake of thehe only wanted himself andSee all the other artists in the gallery and find original Grattan incident and the subsequent revenge mission ofhis tribe to be left alone Colonel William Harney of which Warren was an extremelyand to keep the land thatgifts featuring fine art, custom furniture, unique custom frames, reluctant part. Unlike Grattan, Warren took the time tothey thoughtand hoped fire bowls, and jewelry.understand and respect Sioux ways, and it is quite notablebelonged to them fromCreate your own gift baskets with local honey, jerky, popcorn, candy, and that only a year later, when in the bitter aftermath of thetime immemorial. much more! We also have gift wrapping available.Grattan incident, when things escalated to war between white and Sioux and any travel through Sioux territoryCurly, now Crazy Horse,2050 W Wickenburg Way Wickenburg, AZ 85390was foolhardy at best, getting massacred at worstthat hesoon became at a first a and his team were not at all harmed or harassed by thetrusted lieutenant of ChiefHOURS: Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am6 pmotherwise vengeful Sioux. Red Cloud, but later a bitter ArizonaRealCountry.com December 2022 57'