b'DID YOU KNOW, IN THE OLD WEST.December 16th & 17th By Lee Anderson, Old West Living Historian, Award Winning Author, and Old School HorsemanLee Anderson and his horse, Concho, are well known around the state doing presentations in schools, corporate events, and civic events.Arizona Horselovers ParkLearn more about them and his book on his website. historicaloldwest.orgW hen Bat Masterson left lawwhile robbing stagecoachduring the 6 to 8-month long trip west, was a daily 19224 N Tatum Blvd enforcement he went eastpassengers at gunpoint.count of the graves they passed. It was also common to be sports editor for the NewHe was arrested in 1883. Itfor the Native Americans to dig up the graves to take York Morning Telegraph newspaper. seems he had accidentallythe clothing unaware they were spreading cholera Phoenix, AZ 85050 B efore he became a lawmandropped a handkerchiefand other diseases among themselves. Contrary to with an identifiablemuch of what Hollywood portrays, moving west in Arizona, Wyatt Earplaundry mark on it at thefrom Missouri to Oregon or California was no walk was arrested on May 8th, 1871site of one of his holdups. in the park. for anyone. in Van Buren, Arkansas for stealing a horse. He jumpedI n the mid-1800s, duringI n none of the old catalogs and books bail and went to Kansas wherethe huge migrationthat specialized in supplies for he hunted buffalo and marriedwest, more people died of cholera than were killedbartenders were there any drinking a local prostitute. That wasntby hostile Native Americans. Dysentery was a closeglasses referred to as shot glasses. his only run-in with the lawsecond. Measles, scarlet fever, and other diseasesThey did show one called a whiskey either. He was also jailed for theft in 1883 and againwere commonglass that held in 1885. Contrary to Hollywood, Wyatt Earp was and often fatal.one and a half to no choirboy. There weretwo and a half seldom doctorsounces and did look I n 1884 Cheyenne, Wyoming had a population and usually nosomewhat similar to TITLE SPONSOR of about 7,000 and was known as the richest city medicine of anya modern shot glass. Vendorsin the world due to its large population ofkind on a wagonThe actual term shot on- site andmillionaire cattlemen. train. On theglass didnt show up Oregon Trail, atill the early 1930s. Hollywoodshow spectatorsF amous stagecoach robber, Charles E. Boles (bettercommon entrygot it wrong again. are free! known as Black Bart) wore socks over his bootsin most of the so he couldnt be tracked. He was always smartlydiaries of those dressed and acted in a very gentlemanly mannerwho kept them Scholastic NewsThe Arizona State Championship is a collaboration between Arizonas most historic and competitive club cutting circuits; Cave Creek, Northern Arizona and Southern Arizona Cutting Horse Associations. This show will highlight the top 165 riders and horses from these associations. The Arizona State Championship is dedicated to promoting growth within the sport of cutting by providing grassroots cuttersScottsdale Equine the opportunity to receive statewide recognition. The Arizona State Championship will also provide a platform forReproduction Center LLCinformational demonstrations to further promote education480-273-7759and awareness of the sport of cutting. THE FUTURE STARTS HERETODD BIMAT CUTTING CLINICTodd Bimat is a 3 million dollar+ NCHA earner with an impressive resume including many championship titles. He is well known for training top-notch horses such as WR Bano, Joes Last Cat, and Style O Bar, just to name a few. With over 35 years of professional cutting horse training, sales, lessons, and clinics, Todd has a wealth of knowledge to share. The clinic will be in the afternoon each day after the show. Audit opportunities each day.SHOW STARTS AT 8AM VISIT AZCUTTINGCHAMPIONSHIP.COM FOR MORE INFORMATIONArizonaRealCountry.com December 2022 9'