b'WICKENBURG TRAILER SALES BIG TREE ARENA HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!MONDAYS:THURSDAYS:10:00 AM12:00 PM Team roping practice 10:00 AM12:00 PM Team roping practice2:00 PM Smarty steer practice 2:00 PM All-Girl open team roping with November 28th & December 5th only an 8 incentive, pick 1 draw 2 or draw all Over 70 & over 60 team ropings. 3 for $150.00, may enter 2 times, 3-steer progressive, 2/3 payback in cash & prizes.TUESDAYS: Following the All-Girl, will be the Mixed 10:00 AM12:00 PM Team roping practice #12.5 slide team roping, straight pick, 2:00 PM Over 40, #9.5 team roping$50.00 per man, may enter 3 times, capped @ 5.5 3-steer progressive, 2/3 payback in Following the over 40, will be thecash & prizes.over 50,#9 team roping capped @ 5. Both ropings are straight pick, $150.00FRIDAYS:per man, may enter 2 times, 4-steer10:00 AM12:00 PM Team roping practiceprogressive with 80% payback. Limited2:00 PM Open D breakaway roping, to 50 teams. Buckles to winners! $120.00 entry fee, may enter 2 times, 2/3 payback, bell collar catch onlyWEDNESDAYS: Rodeo Run, $100.00 entry fee, 1 head 9:00 AM11:30 AM Time only barrels average, 80% payback, bell collar 12:00 PM Open 4-D barrel race, $55.00catch only.entry fee, $15.00 arena fee, 80% paybackBreakaway roping, 3 head progressiveSATURDAYS:(2 rounds & a short), $100.00 entry fee,#8 over 70 & #8.5 over 60 team roping, may enter 2 times, 2/3 payback inentries close @ 9:30 AM, rope @ 10:00 AM, cash & prizes. $150.00 per man, pick 1 draw 2 or draw all 3, may enter 3 times, 3-steer progressive capped at a 4.5.For More Information, Call Amy: 406-671-3014WICKENBURG TRAILER SALES Your Roping Lifestyle Destination.30218 US Highway 60Wickenburg, AZ 85390928-232-076064 December 2022'