b'Buffalo BillsWild WestShowPART 3 By Alan RockmanTRIUMPHS . . . time since the Revolution that a British Monarchfor the next five months, then going on to present the AND TRAGEDIEShad shown respect to those stars and stripes thatshow to sell-out crowds in Birmingham and Salford, THE 1887-1888 symbolized this nation, and almost immediately,near Manchester during the winter months. All in all, BRITISH TOUR:according to Cody (or Major Burke), "There arosethere were over 300 British tour performances with Cody and his managementsuch a genuine heart-stirring American yell from our2.5 million tickets sold, before Cody and company had toyed with the idea ofcompany that it seemed to shake the sky" (Carter, p.embarked for their return to the states in the spring taking the Wild West show to Britainthe enormous312, Sell and Weybridge, p. 170).of 1888, the only jarring note to this enormously success of the Madison Square Garden showsplussuccessful tour were the deaths of several of the the enthusiasm of British visitors to the statesideAn admiring Queen Victoria was so enthused by theIndians, victims of white man\'s diseasesand the productions convinced them that the Wild West showperformance that she requested another commanddeath of Buffalo Bill\'s steed, Charley, who took sick would go down darn good in England and otherperformance on the grounds of Windsor Palace onand died during the return voyage to America and European countries, and they were right, especiallyJune 20th, her invited guests included other Europeanwas buried at sea.when one of its greatest cheerleaders was Queenkings and queens. The Deadwood Stagecoach Victoria herself. The Queen had very rarely venturedincluded five passengers during this performance THE COLUMBIAN EXHIBITION AND THE out in public since the death of her consort, Princethe kings of Denmark, Greece, Saxony, and BelgiumBUFFALO BILL WILD WESTAND CONGRESS Albert, back in 1861, and there was no indication thatplus the Prince of Wales as Buffalo Bill himself rodeOF THE ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD even in this, 1887, her Jubilee year, that she wouldthem clear of the evening\'s Indian attack on theSUPERSHOW, CHICAGO 1893:wish to be seen amongst her subjects, especially at ancoach. As this exciting excursion came to an end, theCody\'s second major success was the appearance of American Wild West show.Prince of Wales exclaimed to Cody that this was thethe Wild West show augmented with new arrivals first time he had ever held four kings like this beforeat the 1893 Columbian Exhibitionhe brought Lo and behold the surprise when on the late afternoonin his hands, to which Cody smiled and replied, "I\'vein Cossacks from the Steppes of Russia, Arab Riff of May 12, 1887, she and her princes and princesses,held four kings, but four kings and the Prince ofTribesmen from Morocco, Mexican Vaqueros, plus a scarlet-jacketed military escort appeared at theWales makes a Royal Flush, such as no man ever heldBritish, French, and German military men, as well Earls Court Fairgrounds where the Wild West showbefore" (Carter, p. 314). as the notorious Sioux Chief Rain-in-the-Face (who held a special private performance. She had onlyonce vowed to cut out Tom Custers heart and eat it) intended to stay for an hour but was so mesmerized byImagine also the surprise of the Queen and her royaland the Metis North-West Rebellion hero Gabriel the show that she stayed for the duration of the showguests the next morning when Cody invited themDumont to wow the crowds. He had hoped to attachand 15 minutes afterward when she requested to beto a gala Indian Rib Roast breakfast, prepared by hishis old Wild West with this new Congress of the presented to the cast. She had especially touched theIndian cooks over an open fire the way it was doneRough Riders of the World to the Chicago World\'s hearts of the Americans when early on when Buffaloon the plains. Fair, but the city fathers refused to allow Cody in Bill presented the "colors" to her (the American Flag),on the grounds, claiming that there was not enough Queen Victoria and her entourage roseand bowedHaving won the hearts of the Queen and herspace to accommodate the tour (which was probably in respect to the American colors. This was the firstsubjects, the Wild West tour stayed on in Londontrue) and that it did not fit in with the theme of the centerofthewest.orgQueen Victoria had only intended to stay for an hour but was so mesmerized by the show that she stayed for the duration of the showand 15 minutes afterward when she requested to be presented to the cast.18 July 2021'