b"From the Back OF THE BOXBy John SamsillTo schedule a lesson or a clinic you can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com Custom Roping& Riding Arenas A ny equestrian activitynot a problem but I make sure that everyone knows has its dangers. I thinkhow to be as safe as possible. The keywords here anyone involved withare as possible. Things happen that are out of our horses knows and acceptscontrol but if we are as safe as possible then we makeHorse Stalls this. Each discipline hasthe percentages of getting hurt much lower. dangers that are unique toHorse Fence that discipline. For jumpersMy new student and I spent about two hours going its when they are going over the jump that is theover the safety rules, why each rule was important biggest danger for them. Or to be more accurate it'sand why it was in place. I was hoping that sheThe most basic of all the safety rules is your horseMare Motels as they are preparing to jump because if the horsewouldnt be dissatisfied that we had spent so muchposition. You need to be off to the left far enough balks at the jump and the rider is out of positiontime on the safety of roping instead of actuallythat if the steer stumbles or falls you and your horsePipe Fence they can be easily thrown. Trail riding has itsroping, but afterward, she told me she appreciatedcan run past the steer without running him over dangers also. When someone is on the trail manythe time I took to explain some safety rules. She toldcausing you and your horse to go down also.I have things can spook a horse and cause it to rear, buckme that no one had ever mentioned anything aboutonly mentioned these subjects without going intoProperty/or run off and in any situation or discipline, a horsesafety. They had put her behind a roping machinedetail on purpose, they are much too important to can stumble and fall putting the rider in danger. Inand then a couple of steers and turned her loose.risk any misunderstandings. These may be the most Perimeter Fence team roping, there is no shortage of dangers thatWhoever had helped her to get started roping onlybasic of lessons, but they will be the most important we face every time we make a run. The percentagetried to teach her the roping aspect. I could tell thatyoull ever receive and will stay with you for the rest of accidents is pretty low but when they do happenafter going over all the safety issues that she felt aof your roping career.Dog/Yard Fenceit's usually a pretty serious injury. Two things havelot safer and could concentrate on roping. This is happened in the last few weeks that make me thinkjust one reason why I feel that when taking ropingI mentioned earlier that most roping accidents areCarports and MORE! that this is a subject worth revisiting in this article. lessons or attending a roping clinic you need topreventable. I really believe that all roping accidents Specializingmake sure that your clinician is a good teacher andare preventable, but things happen so quickly that I have been giving roping lessons to a novice roper.not just a good roper. Putting the whole packageit seems unpreventable. A perfect example would in CustomShe has roped in the past, but it has mainly been ontogether is very important.be what happened to my son this past week. He had Work ofthe roping machine and has only run two live steers.his hand get caught in his coils and the result was All Kinds! Naturally, she wanted to start roping live cattle asMost roping accidents are preventable, but some arethat his index finger on his right hand was what soon as possible. I explained to her that once we hadnot. What can you do to be as safe as possible? Thethe medical field calls degloved. It stripped the gone over all the safety rules and precautions and Ifirst thing is to learn how to handle a rope. How toskin from his finger. It did not happen during the felt like it would be safe then she could start on livemake and hold your coils properly. Do you have toorun, it happened after the run was over. It wasnt a cattle. You see I have two hard and fast rules whenmuch or not enough rope between your hands? Howroping that required the header to face his horse, I am giving roping lessons. The first is safety; theto pull your slack correctly and probably the mostbut we usually have our horse's face anyway but we second is that we have fun. The having fun rule isintimidating thing for a novice roper is how to dally.undally before we put too much pressure on the steer and our horses. Since his horse was facing but still moving away from the steer, he undallied and let a coil go from his left hand, and when he did it wrapped around his fingers thus causing the accident. This can happen to anyone, but it is avoidable. You must not release the coil too soon as there is too much rope moving toward your right and that still has a coil in it. It happens very fast and can go from good to bad by fractions of an inch. If you think that nothing could happen to you remember that Jake Barnes lost his thumb at the NFR not too many years ago. Jake has more roping experience than probably anyone on the planet and was at the top of his game at the time. So, believe me when I say it can happen to anyone at any time.Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box. I would like to thank my sponsors, Usher Brand Silver and Saddlery, Omega Fields Supplements, SaddleRight Saddle Pads, Fast Back Ropes, and Call for a FREE Quote! 602-402-3348 Hassayampa Veterinary Clinic.hello@millerfenceandbarns.commillerfenceandbarns.com ROC # 299215 ArizonaRealCountry.com July 2021 45"