b"HOTTTT, Enjoy Independence Day, andUNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALLBy Justin Legler , Justin@imperialaz.comA lright I always start this column off with something about weather, or some fictional story made up about it, blah blah blah BUT. June I got nothing!!! NOTHING!!!! That's what I got! We go from one of the mildest Mays that I can remember too. FLIPPIN HOTTTTT!!!!It was just like a light switch being turned on overnight! I will say this I cant remember a single May ever being that nice! You?? Did any of you post your trucks temps on social media, when it hit the big temps?? I seen ya lol! I seen you haters too! Its AZ!! It comes every year!!! What a shocker!! AAAHHHHH DUHHHHH!!! OK, for the ones of you who posted a pic every day since it broke 100F Thats a tad much! BUT YOU HATERS!!!! Attitudes like that, its gonna be ONE LONG summer for ya!! Better lighten up a some. Thats how I know the heat is already getting to ya lol Got a long ways to go, so better learn to jump in one of our lakes when its this hot. You also got the Salt River to tube!! You see them concrete V things in front of some houses. Those are called irrigation ditches! Go flop around in one of those for a minute! Youll thank me later I promise We call them the Arizona Redneck Pool lol. Where you from? OOOhhhh. The weather over there this time of year is quite nice you say! Even got the Ocean So why you here?? You sure in the heck didnt move here for the weather now did ya!!! Remember that when it comes time to vote here! Dont screw up our Arizona!!! If you follow me, you know I always got something to say lol. But, you got to stick with me! Welcome to July my fellow Arizonians I do believe summer is here! Justin Legler here with Imperial Happy Independence Day!!!What ya gonna do over the 4th? Got any big plans??? You should head up North to one of the Rodeos in the cooler parts of Arizona! Get out of the heat for a bit, before someone slaps ya with that attitude lol Just think, its only July We got this thru October. Did I hear someone yell, common man COMMON MAN! Sorry Couldnt help myself there lol Ill knock it off, and you know the drill Back to my rodeos Theres Prescott, Window Rock, and Taylor Thats if they didnt shut them down again this year! Few have historic water fights, and the entire town normally gets in on it! Good Stuff Check it out if you get a chance! BUT. Do us all a favor until we get some rain! No fires!!! These fire hotshot crews have enough on their plate this year as it is! While were at it Lets say a little prayer for them, and their families Get thru the fire season safe and sound Thank you all for what you do out there! Dads Hope you had one heck of a Fathers Day!Alright How about this place called Imperial? Its hot here too I tell ya lol Not just the temp, but we cant seem to keep a trailer in stock! Were like the rest Down to nothing and cant find anything! Same sob story youre hearing from all of the other dealers! You got a trailer you need to sell, or know someone else who does? Get them in here! Getting top dollar since theres no inventory out there, and everything new is 40% higher than what it was last year! Its crazy! Same way with our barns! That, and materials are getting harder and harder to find! If youre planning on building, better figure 4-6 months now! Trailer service is booked for the same reason! Everyone is fixin what they got, cause they cant find replacements! Need service? Plan a little extra time there, but get them done! Dont fall victim to MAYHEM!! Be sure to follow us on Social Media! Trailer side is Imperial Trailer Sales and Livestock Supply Inc.! Barn side is Imperial Enterprise Inc.! Were always doing something on there! Also still hiring!On to the good stuff Or why youre still reading my mumble jumble lol Good ole Dr. Fauci! Just kind of rolls off your tongue dont it Just like the lies that came out of that mans mouth! How are you sir? You enjoying that luxury life now? Hows you new book doing? You know, I expected a little more out of a Doctor! At least Hillary was smart enough, she deleted all her emails! The lives this man has destroyed! Businesses!! Suicides!!! Depression!!!! Our poor kids!!!! And. We all knew it Deep down inside we knew it! Nothing made sense with this virus! Where it come from What we were being told and forced to do! Think the best analogy I heard of Dr. Fauci was by Candace Owens! If you dont know her by now or heard me talk of her, you will! She called him Dr. Simon says, not a Dr. of Science He says We do Making it up as he goes along! He needs to rot behind bars!!!!! But he wont Just like Hillary! Want to know why? Hes now blaming the suffering of COVID on systemic racism!! YEAH You cant even make this stuff up! Turn on the news! Now theyre starting to teach critical race theory in our schools!! Im so mad whats going on in this country right now, Im seeing RED!!! But what do I know? Im just a dumb cowboy Right So is Candace Owens I suppose! Then North Carolinas Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson has to be one too right? How about the families speaking out at the board meetings, dont teach our children this stuff in school. You know the only difference between them and me is? Skin color! Yep Their black, Im a white, but neither of us see that! Were Conservatives AMERICANS Now Im gonna become Bob Ross, and paint you a picture on what theyre trying to do! Why does the Mainstream Liberal Media continue to go after race, and Conservatives? You seen who just thru her hat into the Governor Race didnt ya? Mrs. Kari Lake! Look at the attacks on her already Cause shes a Conservative! Theyre her former colleagues!! Why?? America is being WOKE! THATS WHY!!! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL Remember that, and DONT LET THEM DIVIDE US! Stay COOL my friends, and love ARIZONAREALCOUNTRY.COM your neighbor! As always, thanks for reading! 50 July 2021"