b'Running the RaceHOW TO BUILD CONSISTENCYBy Betsy Nunnhowfastdouwannab@gmail.com, facebook.com/Willnunnp3, youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannabImay be received better and there possibly wont be think the best way to think about building a consistentthe confusion and emotional upset on the other horse is exactly that -end. My cousin told me its all about approach and consistency. In this game thepresentation when it comes to marriage. I think we main thing to do is to keepcan say the same deal for these horses.things the same every trip when training a barrel horse or any horse for that matter. Think aboutIf we can put it out there in a way they can raising a child. If you change the rules of the houseunderstand consistently with some praise when its every day then the kid finds it hard to understandcorrect then we can get things done and established what it is that the parent wants them to do on a dailythe same every time. I dont claim to know it all as basis. If my household is different every day how dofar as what I do. I just know what has worked for I create consistency? me. I know others do things differently than I do and get to a similar end. I totally respect that.When you are raising and training a pup it is no different than a kid or a horse in the sense that youThe other thing it takes is consistent show them what is correct, praise them when theywork. The guy that consistently does do it right and discipline them when they do itthe same work every day is the one wrong and/or just reinforce the correct way.who you will see at the pay window or the one that makes great horses. Its I think its that monotonous and boring type ofthat consistent day in and day out work repetitive motion in training a horse that reallyethic that is going to achieve goals. I sticks with them. Its that routine when you catchknow I have backed off of my goals a them and tie them and brush them. It helps buildlot since I have been married and are confidence. Then its the warm-up thats prettyraising kids but I still know what it similar. The pattern is very calm. Its like a rhythm.takes. It takes elbow grease. It takes a Lopiddy, lopiddy, lope to the entry point, stop, trotlove for the game. It takes a great horse around the barrel then start again as the same deal.and that horse does not get to where Its not hard, its not rushed. Its just very similarhe needs to be without someone taking every trip whether loping, trotting, or walking. Theythe time day in and day out to create know what to expect. They remain calm becausea champion. And obviously, when they are confident in you.Whether you are trainingthey get solid they dont need as much one from the ground up or fixing one that hasrepetition. Now I know they need days a problem this is a great way to be. Now I knowoff, as do we. We cannot be so rigid that there are times we have to mix things up on thesewe ride them into the ground. Show horses. We need to go ride or work the poles or justthem some grace as well, just like we do something else but for the most part, keepingneed to be shown grace. If we do it slow enough it works on our brain and it extra simple will build that consistency andthe way we do things as well. It is basically perfect confidence in a horse.Also if we are doing things the same, every trip, at apractice at a slow pace. Your horses do not need to slow pace whether it be a walk, trot or lope it createsblow through the pattern 18 gazillion times. They I guess when you think about it this thoughtthat muscle memory in ourselves. We need to be theenjoy an even pace. You dont want to run them into process could relay to our marriages as well. If wepilot that can consistently direct traffic in a sense.the ground. It is hard on their brain and their joints. present things in a calm consistent way then weWhen the weather is decent you can lope a horse through a few times in a row with completing your third turn and head back down the fence and make a half-circle and head back to the first. Its literally how you create a rhythm on your horse. They begin to understand that you are doing the same thing every time through the pattern. This develops that confidence in them and in you as the jockey.Then when you are done, walk the pattern about 10 times to cool them off.The definition of consistency is the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over a period of time. The Bible also talks about consistency quite a bit. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just something to think about. Have a great start to your summer. ArizonaRealCountry.com July 2021 49'