b"Saguaro LakeBurros at Lake PleasantApache Lake equipment. If sightseeing is more your thing, take LAKE PLEASANT a cruise on the Desert Belle, a 90-minute narrated Lake Pleasant is the largest lake in theboat tour, to learn about the history, wildlife, and Phoenix metro area. Its pristine watersgeography of the region. The lake is divided into two cover over 10,000 acres of water surfacesections connected by narrows between canyon walls. with 116 miles of shoreline. The averageFish species include Rainbow Trout, Largemouth depth is 70 feet and the deepest pointBass, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Bass, Crappie, Sunfish, of 260 feet is at the dam. It is locatedChannel Catfish, Walleye, Tilapia, Yellow Perch, and 35 miles from downtown Phoenix.Carp. Bagley Flat Campground is a boat access-only Explore the coves this lake has to offer.campground located along the shore of Saguaro If you feel the urge to do a bit of hikingLake on the Tonto National Forest side. Camping walk along the lake shoreline and keepis allowed at the ten designated sites with grills and an eye out for roaming wild burros.tables provided. A vault toilet is also available. This You may catch a glimpse of ArizonaApache Lake location is fun during the summer months because bobcats and nesting Bald Eagles thatof the nice grove of mesquite trees that provide an call Lake Pleasant home. Fish speciesabundance of shade. Bagley Flat also has a courtesy include Largemouth Bass, White Bass,dock for easy fishing. Striped Bass, Crappie, Sunfish, ChannelSAGUARO LAKE 480-986-5546, SaguaroLakeMarina.comCatfish, Tilapia, Carp, and Buffalo fish. Lake PleasantSaguaro Lake is named for its surrounding stands Regional Park also offers shoreline/primitive campingof saguaro cactus and is located 40 miles east of during most of the year, depending on water levels,downtown Phoenix. It has more than 22 miles of and trails for mountain biking and hiking. The lakeshoreline, is 118 feet deep at its deepest point when has two marinas with restaurants and two separatefull and is about ten miles long. The lake is perfect boat launching ramps. You can rent single or tandemfor power boating, sailing, water-skiing, jet-skiing, kayaks, ski, pontoon, and sailboats, paddleboards,kayaking, and fishing. The marina is where to and jet skis, as well as enjoy a daily boat cruise.rent pontoon and fishing boats, as well as fishing 623-235-6130, PleasantHarbor.com ROOSEVELT LAKESitting at the northern end of the scenic Apache Trail, about 80 miles northeast of Phoenix, Roosevelt Lake is the first and largest of the series of lakes created on the Salt River. Roosevelt Lake has a water surface of over 21,000 acres, a length of 22 miles, and 128 milesRoosevelt Lakeof shoreline. Its maximum depth is over 300 feet. There are miles and miles of beach area for camping along the lake's edges. Water-skiing, jet-skiing, swimming, and general boating make Roosevelt a favorite summer water recreation destination. Facilities include a fish cleaning station, picnic areas, restrooms, and a boating ramp. Fishing is a common recreational activity at Roosevelt Lake. The lake is home to a variety of game fish including Crappie, Carp, Sunfish, Flathead and Channel Catfish, and Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass. There is a slot size limit for the bass. Only one bass can be taken per day measuring between 13 and 16 inches.Canyon Lake602-977-7170, RLMAZ.com Lake PleasantArizonaRealCountry.com July 2021 25"