b'codyenterprise.comBuffalo Bill and his beloved horse, IshamIt would take two more years of touring and making Four in Tucson(1902, 1910, 1914)appearances on behalf of Tammen, years where Cody Three in Yuma. (1902, 1910, 1914)wished he could just say his farewells and retire to his new TE Ranch (the Scouts Rest Ranch havingBut it would be a terrible shame if this story of been sold years before) until he would be able toBuffalo Bill\'s Wild West shows should end with break free of Tammen\'s mean-spirited debt anda cursory recital of appearances. For William F. attempt to start anew. At first, a partnership with the"Buffalo Bill" Cody and his shows epitomized the famed Miller Brothers 101 Ranch Wild West showspirit of America, the vibrancy of the Old West, and looked promisingThe Miller Brothers were honest,he honored and made whole and appealing the noble successful, and they greeting the old master with opencharacter of the Cowboy, which until Cody had arms. Cody was made Master of Ceremonies for thecreated his shows had been the subject of derision, Miller shows and had renewed his old friendship andcontempt, and even fear. Cody\'s creation of this one-partnership with the adult Johnny Baker, who wasof-a-kind Western festival captured the imagination now working with the Miller Brothers. He went onof the world, and his characterwarts and allthe road touring with the Miller 101 crew for thoseremained a heroic one even down to the days of this last two years (1915-1916) but the old and frail Cody,writer\'s generation.his kidneys failing, could barely mount his beloved Isham even for those brief moments he rode into theIf there was a Wild Western festival today, people area, and it was Johnny Baker who had to help himwould come, as 13,000-15,000 per year did so get on and off Isham until the 1916 season endedbetween 20062015 in our own Valley of the Sun in Portsmouth, Virginia and with it the last publicwhen they attended Dr. Buck Montgomery\'s Wild appearance of William F. Cody, Buffalo Bill. He wentWestern Festivals (or Mary Brown\'s Festival of the home to Denver, and when the mineral baths offeredWest) This heady mixture of history and good, him no hope whatsoever, the great Scout Pahaskaclean entertainment is missing in our cynical world faced death with his customary courage on Januaryof today, our kids and grandkids are in dire need 10, 1917, at age 70. of a new Buffalo Bill, someone who could capture their imagination and spark anew an interest in BUFFALO BILL CODYA SIMPLEour historyOUR WESTERN HERITAGE AND APPRECIATION: HISTORY. Let this story of Buffalo Bill and his Wild In researching and writing this simple story of BuffaloWest show be a clarion call for the renewal of a love Bill\'s Wild West shows I tried to find out how manyfor Western history and those wonderful, but sadly performances were made by the Wild West show anddefunct Western festivalsall inspired by William F. its subsequent Congress of the Rough Riders of the"Buffalo Bill" Cody.World, not to mention how many folks worldwide, and especially in this country were in attendance.I think the words of Steve Friesen, the former This proved a bit daunting, as figures for many of thedirector of the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave in individual shows were not readily availableFor ourGolden, Colorado would be a fitting tribute to this Arizona readers I was able, thanks to Ms. Erin Burkescout, soldier, showman, and yes, in many waysa of the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave in Goldenstatesman who represented some of the very bestMay 2021Volume 8Issue 7 FREE Issue 8FREEJune 2021 Volume 8 (Denver), Colorado, to ascertain that Buffalo Billthings about America to the rest of the world for made 16 appearances in Arizona, most of them whilemost his life: "If Buffalo Bill did even half of whatGODS BEAUTYArizona was still a territory, and almost all of themhe said he did then he is one of, if not the greatestAlan Rockman: Appreciating the Buffalo Bills Places We See and either in conjunction with Pawnee Bill or with thefrontiersman who ever lived." Wild West Show the People We Meetdespised Tammen: ASK THE VET:Desert Dangers Two appearances in Bisbee (1908, 1910) Special thanks to Erin Burke, administrativeThree appearances in Douglas assistant at the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave, andLee Anderson:Did You Know, .In the Old West(1908, 1910, 1914) to Dave, the manager of the Superstition SpringsFour appearances in Phoenix Museum Bookshop, for putting aside his last copy of (1902, 1908, 1910, 1914) "Presenting Buffalo Bill" for me. ArizonaRealCountry.com July 2021 21'