b"September 2023 from the Publisher5Ask the Vet: Is Your Horse ProtectedPEOPLE CAN BE FRUSTRATINGIn the grand theater of life, there's no shortage of From Heat Stroke? quirky characters that drive us up the wall. From the self-checkout machines that act like they have a mind 9Lee Anderson: Did You Know, of their own to the voice-In the Old West. activated customer service on the phone that will not get 14 11John Samsill: From the Back of the Box your call to the correct person. 12Cowboy Wisdom: The Cardinal In our daily interactions, it's inevitable to encounter moments where people test our patience. Ever met 14 Cowgirl With A Pen: Appreciating 18 someone who could turn even the simplest task into a puzzling challenge? Farmers and Ranchers Ever had a conversation with someone who seems to have a degree in testing your patience? But hey, life would be dull without these quirky 18Alan Rockman: Jews in the Old West, characters. Let's not take it all too seriously. After all, these hilarious encounters make for great stories to share at parties. So, let's embrace Part 3 the madness and laugh our way through the rollercoaster ride of human 24AZ Road Trip: Waterfalls interactions! People will never fail to surprise us!26Crossword / Sudoku / Cowboy Comic We all get frustrated with people daily, right? I walked into breakfast the other day and the hostess Lynn said, Let me tell you what is ticking me 28Arizona Real Country Equine off, and then proceeded to tell me. Every day driving in my truck, other 24 Supply Source drivers can infuriate me to the point of bad words escaping from my mouth and once in a while some sign language. These days you have to 31 Running the Race: Trust The Process! watch the words you say because someone can be offended. Just recently a radio DJ lost his six-figure job for calling a fellow reporter a Barbie girl. 32Jim & Bobbi Jeen Olsons Collectors Corner: 36 Holy smokes, people are getting offended by everything. I find myself telling my wife before we walk into certain places that I plan on not saying Winchesters of the West much because someone will take it wrong, or misinterpret what I say. Tonight I will be a listener. How many have lost their job over something 34Bob Boze Bell: True West Moments they have said? How many families arent talking because of something that was said? How many fights take place because of something said? Words 36 Frank & Dotties Real Country Recipes are powerful but many are lost in translation of a preconceived ideology. 38Bridgette Crosby: The September Garden One mouth, two ears but how many people really listen anymore? Most people hear what THEY want to hear or listen to what they agree with. We 41Charity of the Month: Wickenburg Breastlive in a very divided and opinionated world. Just start talking about Biden, Trump, elections, climate warming, and education. Remember the saying Cancer Network from when you were a child, Im rubber and youre glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you? That is something to remember when 42Randy Miller: Your Constitutions people are speaking. Yes, we should watch our words and actions but you 46DIY: Whimsical Wall Hangings 38 cant live your life worrying about what others think. For crying out loud, open up your mind to the world around you.49A Cowboy Rests in Heaven: Cody MurdockIf this was the last day of your life, would you call 52Justin Legler: That Smell, Is That A Cultural Shift, people up and give them a piece of your mind OR call and Welcome Back, Sir up the people that have meant so much to you and tell them that? Would you spend your last day arguing or wrapping your arms around people? Ha, this is not the 54Prescott & Congress last day of my life right, so let me rip a few people, be inconsiderate, rude, Peavine Connection angry, self-centered, opinionated, and just irritate as many as I can today. How can I take someone down and then stomp on them? Some people live 5796.3 Real Country Upcoming Concerts that way but most understand that kindness begins with knowing that we all struggle from time to time. Someone once told me the key to getting 604-H: STEM Activities Are Part of thealong with people is to either lower your expectations or drink. CHEERS! 4-H Youth Development Program 67 Life has its ups and downs, its good days and bad. Its not what we 63 News from Copper State have in life, but who we have in our life that matters. Do we criticize or compromise? Albert Einstein one day wrote on a blackboard 1x9=9, Peruvian Horse Club 2x9=18, 3x9=27, 4x9=36, 5x9=45, 6x9=54, 7x9=63, 8x9=72, 9x9=81 41 67A View of the Zoo: Wildlife World and 10x9=91. In class, they mocked him and made fun of him because he had made a mistake, as the correct answer for 9x10 is 90. Albert Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Parks Einstein waited for everyone to shut up and said, Despite me answering the first nine questions correctly, no Career Camp one congratulated me. Instead, when I got one wrong, everyone started laughing. This means that despite being 73Arena Directory very successful, society will only notice the smallest mistakes and make fun of them. Dont let simple criticism 76 Taking Care of Business: destroy your dreams. Life is hard but complaining is Special Advertiser Section easy. Magic doesnt happen and stop us from getting irritated or angry and bring us together in a worldwide kumbaya moment. However, you 77Classified Ads might remember a saying that was told to me by a relative years ago, You wouldnt worry so much about what people thought of you if you knew 78 Advertiser Index how little they think about you. Who do you need to reach out to and 80September 2023 Equinecompliment, encourage and appreciate today?60 Event Calendar 81 Mike Barna, Publisher 81 September Events Around the StateArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com4 September 2023"