b'Your ConstitutionsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association for Arizona, 623-866-3544.To learn more about our constitutions and your rights, contact me at Supremelawoftheland.com.W ith Biden in office, thereOur founders were smart and experienced is a renewed push to regulate with more gun control. It appears there are even Republicans on board.with the purpose of a well-armed society.They feel they have the right to compromise our rights away to get their pet items in legislation. The shootings are tragic no matter where they occur. But one has to wonder, why all the occurrences now? Ihas not been fully answered and the media grew up in a time when we didnt have this. I lived inand government officials appear to have Colorado and California for many years as a youngswept it under the rug. Of course, this was a man without people gunning each other down.great talking point for why the people need So, what happened? Could it be our school systemto be disarmed.degenerating into a manufacturing plant of mindless believers in perpetual victimhood with no future?But lets get something straight, the gun is Could this leave society ripe with easy manipulationno more at fault than the car mowing down and coercion by nefarious government actors to goinnocent pedestrians. If you want to protect out and commit these crimes? Or are they doing thesechildren, stop murdering them in the womb acts, and then using them to manipulate people intoor advocating it at birth! Stop releasing turning to government for their safety by removingdangerous people from prison. Stop pushing our only means, our guns, to protect ourselves fromthe defund the police movement. Those them? These are questions I have heard people askthat advocate for these things are pushing and talk about. The Las Vegas shooting in 2017 stilltheir agenda on you and dont care about your safety. Its all a lie. What is tragic is the politicization of theseright to be armed. Arizonas Constitution says, shootings. And isnt itThe right of the individual citizen to be armed in a coincidence we getdefense of HIMSELF, or THE STATE, shall not be events like these rightimpaired Not only does Arizonas Constitution say around election time? this, but other states Constitutions I have read also do. If you want to curbLegislators at the state or federal level have no right violence, stop makingor authority to interfere with law-abiding citizens it safe for it to happen.to defend themselves and those in their care. The Shame on ourfederal government is specifically restricted from legislators that supporttouching any part of our Bill of Rights, including the more restrictions onsecond amendment. Read the preamble to the Bill of possession and purchaseRights. It states that it was requested by the states in by law-abiding citizens.order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of power, Our founders werefurther declaratory and RESTRICTIVE clauses to be smart and experiencedadded. Restrictive clauses mean nobody in Congress, with the purpose ofthe executive or the judicial branch can do anything a well-armed society.about them, no authority whatsoever. Hands off! They lived it, and we havent yet. Thats whyYou, our legislators, have no authority to limit that they said in our secondright. If there is a law prohibiting a gun on school Service, Cleaning amendment, In ordergrounds by a law-abiding parent, security guard, & Repair to maintain the securityor teacher, and they could have been armed and of a FREE STATE, theintervened, saving a childs life, that is the crime. I Ammo right of the people toam asking any of our legislators to show where the be armed SHALL NOTauthority is for the federal government to make any Wide VarietyBE INFRINGED.laws on our firearms anywhere in Arizona or at the This is for tyranny andstate level. of Firearms protecting the state from government andRemember Joe Bidens famous line. He said, if you want 80 E. Apache St. Wickenburg, AZ 85390 outsiders wantingto go against this government, youll need F-16s and to harm. Our statenuclear weapons. Nothing like being threatened by the 928-684-3147 Constitutions reflectpresident of the United States, the same one that wants the same need andto disarm the country. Also, this is supposed to be our facebook.com/DGguns21 understanding of ourgovernment. Doesnt this worry you?42 September 2023'