b'Arizona Ask the VetREAL COUNTRY IS YOUR HORSE PROTECTED the magazine FROM HEAT STROKE?Mike Barna By Dodge MarshallPublisher S ummer is still in full force in Arizona. Recordpenetrate the ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com heat is not only uncomfortable for us, but canalready tri-covered be fatal for our animals. Along with extremestalls I had. All the Erika Smith Royal temperatures comes the increased occurrence ofwhile hosing my Editor anhidrosis. Anhidrosis in horses is defined as thehorse down four absence of an adequate amount of sweat whichtimes a day. I called erika963realcountry@gmail.com will result in several clinical signs. A horse withmy vet and told anhidrosis is often called a non-sweater. Thishim everything Misty Voitovski condition is extremely serious and may put a horseI had done, and Creative Director at risk for hyperthermia or heat stroke. the fact that my horse was breathing I experienced this firsthand recently with myso laboriously one night that he had a bloody nose Contributing Writers 13-year-old gelding. Like many horse owners, when(thats never good), and what else could I do? I love Lee AndersonBob Boze Bell the summer heat arrives, we limit our riding andmy vet for the sheer fact he does not coddle me or only go to the barn to feed, clean, and maintain oursugar-coat. He said to buy a product called ONE Bridgette CrosbyPete Florespets. We dont spend as much time analyzing whatAC, and move him to Flagstaff!Valerie GabrielsonRose Mary Goodsonthey are doing (or not doing) because we want to get back to our comfy air-conditioning as quicklyIn the meantime, of course, I had already spoken Justin LeglerBetsy Lemaire as possible. Even though my horses have morewith some friends about my horse. Truth be than adequate shade, plenty of open space to movetold, I may have started to panic just a little as I Naomi LoomisDodge Marshall about, and fresh water to drink, I noticed that oneremembered a good friend had to put her mare Randy MillerJim & Bobbi Jeen Olson evening recently one of the horses was breathingdown a couple of years ago due to this very same like he just climbed the longest, highest hill with anissue. The one common denominator in all my Alan RockmanJohn Samsill 800 lb. sack on. conversations was the product ONE AC. My vet Jolene WesterlingMichele Wilson recommended it, another friend had used it on He was not sweating, and he was extremely hother aging horse and was successful in pulling her to the touch. Hence, I immediately started mythrough, and another friend recalled someone else emergency routine. Its amazing what we learnusing it too. So, I went on the search for where I 801 W. Wickenburg Way along the way as horse owners without evencould get it in my hands as soon as possible. You Wickenburg, AZ 85390 knowing it. can find it online through several sources including Tractor Supply Rx, but I did not see a local feed (602) 254-6644 The cause of anhidrosis is not well defined butstore showing it for sale. The only thing I could do is believed to involve overstimulation of theat that point was to start calling all the feed stores ArizonaRealCountry.com horses sweat glands by stress hormones, typicallyin the hopes someone near me had it. To my good occurring in the heat of summer. The degree afortune, I noticed in the picture of the product horse suffers from anhidrosis varies. A horse mayonline that there was a phone number on the label. only have minor decreases in sweat production,I called and got Missy. She was amazing and resulting in subtle clinical signs, or the horse mayallowed me to come to her house in Goodyear to have a total loss of sweat production and severepick up the product directly. I live in Surprise so I signs of hyperthermia. It is most diagnosed incould not have been more grateful.Follow Arizona Realperformance horses being exercised, but it also affects nonperformance horses and seems to beMy horse has been on the product for two weeks by Country for news, events,more prevalent in darkcolored horses. this writing. I see an improvement in my geldings condition and believe that the combination of care giveaways and more! Over the following two days (117 degrees) Iis working. We still have some summer left so I installed misters, an industrial fan, and a shadesure hope I dont have to take the drastic measure Arizona Real Country is owned andcloth that would block the only sun that couldof relocating him permanently to a cooler climate published by Barna Broadcastingas that is currently the only alternative. LLC. No person, organization or partyIn the meantime, here is a bit more information about Anhidrosis.can copy or reproduce the content on our website and/or magazine orClarification and myth-busting any part of this publication withoutabout scraping or not scraping the a written consent from the editorsexcess water off your horse. Hosing panel and the author of the content, asdown your horse is an effective cooling applicable. The publisher, authors andmethod because heat is transferred contributors reserve their rights withfrom the horses muscles and skin to the regards to copyright of their work. water, which is then removed tocool the horse. It is critical to scrape continued on page 6ArizonaRealCountry.com September 2023 5'