b"A View ofTHE ZOOWildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari ParksCareer Camp Park, and our career opportunities are as diverse as ourGift Shop duties animal collection. Go to our website to apply for one of ourinclude but are not full-time, part-time, or temporary job offerings that arelimited to selling By Jolene Westerling currently open. All applicants must be 18 years or older,merchandise Director of Social Media & Events dependable, honest, patient, have great communicationto customers, skills, be able to handle stressful situations, work in a fast- checking in W ildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park kickedpaced environment, multitask, work alone or in a group,shipments, pricing off its FIRST-EVER Career Camp! Teens consideringand be able to work in inclement weather. new merchandise, working with exotic animals as a career path gainedoperating credit real-world experience while having a WILD time! They got Grounds/Maintenance Crew duties include but are notcard machines, hands-on experience working directly with zookeepers,limited to maintaining zoo and aquarium landscaping,be able to handle trainers, and aquarists, the animals they care for, andbuilding and maintaining zoo & aquarium exhibits, smallcash and give change, clean learned what a day in their life is really like.concrete jobs, simple plumbing, woodwork, simple electric,stores, clean wheelchairs, and irrigation. Must be able to lift 50 pounds, have a validstrollers, and wagons, Attendees learned about internship/degree options and thedrivers license and know how to operate a chainsaw,sell and redeem tickets, value of interview preparation for future job and internshipmower, hedgers, and weed eaters. Shifts are 6:00 a.m. to 2:30scheduling and checking in-opportunities. They also got to take part in positivep.m. in the summer and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the winter.school field trips, answering reinforcement animal training, learning the importance ofthe phone, handling husbandry behaviors, touring behind the scenes, and seeingRide Operator duties include but are not limited to sellingcustomer complaints, and what it's like to prepare food for 6,000 animals every day!ride tickets to customers, daily ride checks to make sure thesimple first aid. The junior zoologists were able to see firsthand what takingrides are safe to operate, operate credit card machines, able care of Arizonas largest exotic animal collection entails!to handle cash and give change, and assist with helping toWildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park is located at clear the zoo at the end of your shift.16501 W. Northern Ave., Litchfield Park, AZ (SE Corner Wildlife World recognizes the importance of inspiringof State Route 303 and Northern Ave.) Open seven days a future generations and supports those who seek a careerAnimal Attendant duties include but are not limited toweek, 365 days a year, including all holidays. Zoo exhibits in professionally caring for wildlife. Planning for nextmaking sure the animals and customers in your area areare open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (last zoo admission is summers career camp is already in full swing. Stay tunedsafe, raking/sweeping, giving change to customers so theyat 4:30 p.m.) Aquarium exhibits are open from 9:00 a.m. to for upcoming dates. may purchase feed for the animals, operate a credit card7:00 p.m. Admission includes access to the Zoo, Aquarium, machine, and help clear the zoo at the end of your shift. and Safari Park.Often times there are opportunities to join one of our many job families at Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & SafariFor more info: (623) 935-WILD (9453) or visit Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @ZooWildlife, and WildlifeWorld.come oS e S me Cool Cats.Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari Park. 6,000 animals, 8 shows daily,tons of rides, a thousand thrills and a million smiles. All in One Day! Everyday!Arizonas Ultimate, Year-Round Family Fun Destination. GOOD FOR FOUR! Off Admission Per Person/$20 Value Not valid with any other discountsArizonas Largest Collection of Exotic Animals.Northern Ave. and the 303 Freeway623-935-WILD (9453)WildlifeWorld.com5$2022 WWZASP Real Country HP.indd 1 12/21/21 9:37 AMArizonaRealCountry.com September 2023 67"