b"By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeI early inductees into Liles Hall received a text from my friend Bethany Braley, Executive Director of the National Day of theof Fame was the artist, inventor, Cowboy Foundation, saying she was planningand rodeo cowboy, the late Earl a trip to Phoenix for Mother's Day to visit withBascom, who is also a fellow her mother. This trip would also allow BethanyCowboy Keeper Award recipient. to present, in person, the 2021 Cowboy Keeper award to winner Jim Liles who lives in Whetstone,Rodeo athletes can be thankful Arizona. This was an opportunity for me to meetLiles is also an observant cowboy Jim Liles, plus a two-hour ride from Phoenix towith an engineering background, Whetstone would allow Bethany and I to catchbecause when he realized how up on the last couple of years that COVID-19dangerous all-steel chutes interrupted and it would be my first time could be to the contestants, he visiting Whetstone. combined his rodeo skills with Cowboy Jim Lileshis engineering expertise and began his 20-yearinvented the life-saving chute crashOut of his love for barebackcareer as a barebackpad. The mass production of that rider around age 13.crash pad was eventually assumedriding, Liles has opened the More than 50 yearsby Priefert Manufacturing, and toNational Bareback Riding Hall of later, he still recountsthis day it is used in the chutes at the stories of the timesPRCA Rodeos and ProfessionalFame and Museum in Whetstone, those broncs broke hisBull Riding events, saving many a bones, some more thancowboy from concussions or worse.Arizona. He believes that, teaching once. Bareback riding has remained his life'sThe National Day of the Cowboyfans and younger contestants about passion, and the broncsorganization is thrilled to be ablethe history of bareback riding and have continued to beto tip its hat to Cowboy the horses he loves most. TodayKeeper Jim Liles, a notablehonoring those who have playedhe believes that, teachingaward recipient who fans and younger contestantscontinues to make ana part in this great event willabout the history of barebackextraordinary contribution riding and honoring thoseto the preservation ofhelp keep it alive.who have played a part in thispioneer heritage and great event will help keep itcowboy culture. HumbledThe mission of the National Day of the Cowboy 501c3 alive. Out of his love of thisby his accomplishmentsorganization is to contribute to the preservation of sport, he has opened thewe will be forever gratefulpioneer heritage so that the history and culture that National Bareback Ridingfor his efforts. The art forthe National Day of the Cowboy bill honors can be Hall of Fame and Museumthe 2021 Cowboy Keepershared and perpetuated for the public good. Every in Whetstone, Arizona, thatAward, Question wasyear since 2005, they have been working to secure boasts what could be thedonated by the artist andpermanent status greatest collection of riggings,current California resident,for the bill that representing the history ofLinda Carter Holman.makes the fourth bareback bronc riding, in the world. He believes Saturday in July a its the only exhibit of its kind in existence.From The Cowboy Way by Jim Liles day to celebrate and learn about Liles describes his gear collection as a living historyCowboys are known, to have a way of this heritagemuseum because he encourages visitors to touch thetheir own, to sort out a sense of fair play. and culture.many saddles, ropes, and riggings he has rescuedFifteen state and preserved over the years, including one riggingYou ride for the brand, or a shake of the hand, legislatures, that dates to 1911.including thats always been the The Cowboy Way. Arizona, have Liles museum and hall of fame first began as analready passed exhibit he created, which he dubbed, Riggins-The Cowboy Way is not a phrase, the National N-Rhymes; A History of Rodeo Equipment. Heto be abused and misconstrued. Day of the set it up in such a way that he could take it on theCowboy bill road and share it with folks around the country.Its a way of life, a reason to fight, into permanent Jim is also a talented artist, bronze maker, and poet.law. Through his museum, his poetry, and his sculptures,its a lifestyle through and through.he is working to preserve rodeo history. One of the 10 June 2022"