b'Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association forArizona, 623-866-3544.To learn more about our constitutionsand your rights, contactme at Supremelawoftheland.comO ur Constitution was close to failure because Patrick Henry and the Anti-Federalists protested the proposed Constitution, claiming it gave too much power to the general government. Patrick was so successful in creating doubt about the proposed Constitution that he received a promise for a Bill of Rights if he and the others would support it. It was New York, Massachusetts, and Virginia that opposed it as written. Without these colonies, it wouldnt have been ratified. These colonies and representatives agreed to support Madison based on a political promise to support the passage of a Bill of Rights.The Preamble is a very important part of understanding the strength of the Bill of Rights and the powerful restrictions Congress, the president, and the courts have regarding them. Equally important is ensuring you get the proper copy of the Constitution which contains the Preamble to the Bill of Rights. I have seen enough of them that omit this and thus demonstrate a failure to properly post our governing documents and educate our citizenry. I like the Constitution of the United States by the National Center for Constitutional Studies. It is one of a few that is complete with the Preamble. Here is the Preamble: The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. This is powerful because it lays out that the states wanted to make it clear that Congress, the president, and the courts, cannot misconstrue this and abuse their powers. After all, were making it very clear that they are RESTRICTED from touching these in any way, shape, or form. Yet, they do all the time.10% OFFMy intention is to make it clear to you that the federal government has no power or right to pass legislation on any of our Bill of Rights! Concerning our second amendment, there is much more to this than just the amendment. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, the Spending Clause, requires Congress to provide for the CommonANY REGULAR PRICED ITEMDefense and General Welfare of the states. Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, the militia is part of that common defense and general welfare. It is the militia, the people that enforce the laws of the union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. There isExcludes Tools & Equipment.no police power granted to the federal government. More on this later, but well focus on the second amendment here. Mention Arizona Real Country Magazine.A well-regulated Militia, (this is saying trained, not controlled) being necessary (this is the emphasis on our importance) to the security of a free State, (this is reinforcing our sovereignty as an independent state/nation), the right of the people (restating that we are the militia) to keep and bear Arms, shall (shall is mandatory) not be infringed. The second amendment says so much more than just it is the peoples right to have arms and be armed. It is stating we are part of an independent sovereign state, self-governing under our state Constitutions, and we have a right to protect the states against an oppressive government. We are also part of our common defense so how can laws be passed restricting our part? So, to recap, it is clear from the Preamble that our Bill of Rights is protected against all laws attempted and passed by the government and restricted from government reach. The 1934 Federal Firearms Act is unconstitutional as is the 1968 Safe Streets Act. It doesnt matter what the courts claim to have stated, these are guarantees and clear contextual declarations making it so. The courts frequently rule as they see fit based on political leanings, also in violation of the constitutional mandates on the court. To prove this, all you have to do is look back on rulings overturning previous rulings. An example of bad opinions is the WWII SCOTUS ruling saying it was legal for the U.S. government to intern Japanese and German U.S. citizens based on their nationality. Another is the ruling on Obamacare. There are some good justices, but five out of nine can be tyrannical for sure. It is our state legislators who have continued to fail the people. They are to know the constitutions and take an oath to uphold and defend them. We need to remember thisat the ballot. ArizonaRealCountry.com June 2022 17'