b'Running the RaceLoyaltyBy Betsy Lemairehowfastdouwannab@gmail.com, facebook.com/Willnunnp3, youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannabI wanna talk about something that has been dear to my heart lately. What does loyalty mean? I believe it\'s an action. It\'s something we all talk about in our marriages and relationships and sometimes I even think about it with my horses. I think it\'s something that we stay true to in our lives whether it\'s our morals,together for you as a team. Maybe it\'s time to sell him how we do things on a horse, or how we handle ourto someone who will be a better match.friendships. If I love you or my horse I should be loyal to you. Let\'s break that down some. So how about a friend or spouse? In my opinion, you stay loyal to a really good friend or spouse. You back I think loyalty stems from love. The Bible says thatthem up because they have been there for you too. I love bears all things and believes all things. I think thatam not saying they are perfect but who really is except means that even when things are hard and a person orJesus. If they have truly done you wrong and you have horse hasn\'t shown up in a sense or come to the partybeen a good loyal friend, you may have to visit with you still believe in them and need to be patient withthem and try to work it out. If things don\'t improve, it them. Even if they are not doing what we think theymay be time to cut them loose, and that\'s ok too.should, we don\'t bail on them. They have shown some great heart and intentions if we have kept them aroundWithin a marriage, I try to look at what the Bible says. all of this time. We all go through some things in ourHas this person been loyal? I guess the way we would lives and some of it has been life-changing; some ofdecide if we still stay hooked is to ask ourselves if they it in a good way and some of it in a not so good way.are bearing good fruit and if they are who they say Some of it\'s been hard but it\'s been positive. Holdingthey are? Have they cheated? This is in a sense a legal tight to what is dear through the hard stuff usuallyground (Biblically) to let them go. Can the relationship builds character in our lives. be salvaged and restored?We could even think or liken it to raising kids, trainingI think these are all things someone has to pray horses, or training a puppy. We are loyal to that personabout. If we keep loving and being gracious, yet the or animal in the sense that we teach them daily andsame things keep happening, whether it is a horse show them who they can be. We spend time with them.or a personal relationship, then it may be time to We give them our energy, and they give us their timebuild a fence. We can still love that horse and hope and energy. We feed them, talk with them and spendsomeone else succeeds on him. Like in our friendships/our resources on them. We go at it like, "I love you, andrelationships we should hope and pray for the best for I accept that you are not perfect, and neither am I.I am,that person that hurt us. We can still love them from on y however, going to be consistent in who I am towardsafar, but we have now handed the reins off to someone T Pyou, even if you aren\'t the same way. That\'s loyalty. else. Also, in retrospect, if you have a great horse (and e you are not in the horse business) why would you treat hNow I know there have been times when we have beenhim badly or sell him? He works awesome for you. You loyal to a person or a horse for years, but eventually,can always count on him to show up and help you win. 2nd Hand Store there comes a time to put up a boundary line. MaybeKeep and take great care of him. You have a good thing that horse that you have been working on consistentlygoing. Regarding a friendship, be loyal and kind and still isn\'t gettingknow that no one is always going to be awesome and We Collect & Deliveraround theback you up all the time. How about a spouse? Maybe Your Merchandise first barrel. Youthey are boring but they have been loyal, good to you, have been toand love you so work it out and move forward!! Try to FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE the vet, you\'velook at all the pieces and decide if you can make the 662 W. Wickenburg Wayfollowed themarriage work before you move on to the next one.WickenburgOpen MondaySaturday process, you\'ve prayed, you\'veJust some things to think about as we come into the thepony2ndhandstore.com cried and it stillwarmer months. Pray hard in your loyalty and love 928-231-2730928-232-2019 isn\'t comingeven harder. Be blessed in the coming weeks! We Carry Quality 2nd Hand & New MerchandiseYour Home Furniture Supplies Store BETSY LEMAIRE BARREL HORSESSpecializing in Appliances SalesTrainingLessonsJane and Peter Kibble 928-231-6184pony2ndhandstore@outlook.comhowfastdoyouwannab@gmail.com36 June 2022'