b"W I C K E N B U R GI ST H EC O M M E R C I A L From the Back N E WS C O T T S D A L E P R O P E R T YH O R S EP R O P E R T I E S OF THE BOXBy John SamsillYou can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com if you have any questionsor would like to schedule a clinic or a lesson.H ave you ever seenlower number fails to take advantage of what might someone who ropedbe called a great opportunity. Or why some reach okay for their numbernew levels with only a number being raised.then were suddenly given a higher number and all ofI have also seen ropers at all different levels that a sudden it was as if theyseem to stand out at big events but you would hardly 21620 W Olive Branch Ln / Congress 780 S Saguaro Dr / Wickenburg 741 W Wickenburg Way drank a magic potion? They started roping betternotice them at the local jackpot. Or the opposite $3,200,000 $795,500 Wickenburg / $2,700,000 than they ever had and winning more than theyhappens; they can win big at the smaller ropings did at the lower number. What about the other sidebut fail to rope to their usual standard at the bigger of that same coin, have you known someone whoropings. In these situations, at first glance, its easy roped really well with their number and won quiteto explain that some ropers handle pressure betterThere is an old saying; G O L FP R O P E R T I E S F E AT U R E DP R O P E R T I E S a bit then received a higher number and all of athan others and they rise and fall accordingly. I sudden they couldnt win anymore? Its not just thatthink it goes deeper than that though. I feel thatwhether you believe you can they didnt win any longer but their roping sufferedeach of these scenarios can be explained in the also. The same thing has happened with a numbersame way. They all have one thing in common. Thedo something or you believe being lowered. One person will start roping bettermindset of the roper in each scenario is different. In and another will rope worse. The only difference isother words, it's the mental picture that they have ofyou cannot do something they are now packing a different number. I have mythemselves in each situation. Every one of us has a Horse Property thoughts on it and I would like to share them withself-image and no matter what that self-image is weyoure right.you and see what you think. will act accordingly to make that image come true. Huge Garage / Casita Do you feel that you thrive under pressure or do 4093 Miners Gulch Way Way 3705 Ridgeview Ter 180 W Santa Cruz St 2230 N Vulture Mine Rd In business, there is something known as the Peteryou think you will do your best but truly feel all theThe person who receives a number bump and sees Wickenburg / $1,165,000 Wickenburg / $655,000 Wickenburg / $235,500 Wickenburg / $750,000 Principle. I do not know why it is called that but Ipressure is on you and you do not know if you canit as validation that he or she does rope better than will explain what it is. It is when a person moveshandle it or not? Do you feel like youre just happy totheir previous number will probably go on to fulfill up in a company. They will eventually reach a levelbe competing in these big events and just enjoyingthe image that they do rope that well and better. where they no longer excel. As a matter of fact, itthe moment and not really expecting to win? BelieveThey will go on to have success. If they see it as being means that they reach a level where they can nome when I say that there are ropers who show upwrongly misnumbered, that they really do not rope longer do a good job. They will move that personexpecting to win! They know they are prepared andthat well they will fulfill that image also and go on back to the last position he or she did excel at. Whatready to perform. They do not just think they have ato prove themselves correct. There is an old saying; it boils down to is you reach a level of incompetencechance, they truly feel they are going to do well andwhether you believe you can do something or you and then move back down to your level ofwin. This is their mental image of themselves andbelieve you cannot do something youre right. I competence. This could definitely explain some ofmore than likely it will come true. We all know thatused to think that when you reached a certain level 3739 W Goldmine Canyon Way 4420 Buffalo Rdg 526 N Madison St 22645 W Henderson St the people who get their number raised and thenwe cannot win every roping but we should expect to.in roping the mental game became more and more cannot win or feel that they have a chance to win.If that is your true mental image of yourself it doesimportant but as the years have gone by I have Wickenburg / $625,000 Wickenburg / $760,000 Wickenburg / $340,000 Congress / $320,000 But it doesnt explain why someone who receives anot come and go. realized that it's important at every level.SCAN FOR DETAILSThis is another example of what roping or any sport ON EACH LISTING for that matter relates to life itself. You carry the mental image of yourself at all times, so try to create a good one. You have to truly believe that this mental image is real and believable. If you are five foot two and weigh one hundred and fifty pounds you will not believe you can be an NFL lineman. Be realistic and prove to yourself every day that your image is really you. Start with the little things and then keep 3690 Gold Rush Ct / Wickenburg / $645,000 523 N Sierra Vista Dr / Wickenburg / $645,000 stretching yourself mentally.Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box. I would like to thank my sponsors: S a m m i eH o n e Omega Fields Supplements, SaddleRight R e a l t o rSaddle Pads, Fast Back Ropes, Usher Brand Silver and Saddlery, Hassayampa 9 2 8 - 2 3 1 - 7 6 5 7 Veterinary Services.s a m m i e . h o n e 3 @ g m a i l . c o m outwickenburgway.comH o m e s I nW i c k e n b u r g . c o m ArizonaRealCountry.com June 2022 13"