b'became the unofficial historian of Young. An amateur photographer, she had photographed numerous sites where, as a young woman, she saw the bloody events of the Pleasant Valley war unfold. She also photographed every boy in the war and every boys family, as she put it. She kept her photos in a couple of rolled oats boxes in her home, next to her woodstove so they would remain dry. In the late 1950s, the Young cabin burned down and the photos were lost.Miss Ola was one of the first in Young to buy a car.By Bill Roberts Reprinted from The Traveler In the 1930s, on a trip to Globe over a road that was not much more than a wagon trail, the car went off the road. Olas driver was killed and she received injuries that left her permanently disabled. When her sister Betty died in 1956, Ola turned the operation of the ranch over to a niece and her husband and moved to Scottsdale. She died there October 10, 1966 at the age SOMEHOW, IN ONE OF THE MANY MYSTERIES OF THE of 97. Ola Young was inducted into the ArizonaPLEASANT VALLEY WAR, SILAS YOUNG MANAGED TO Womens Hall of Fame in 1991. CONVINCE ALL THAT HE WAS NEUTRAL.BILL YOUNGHe and his wife, Virginia Anne, had seven children. William (J.) Bill Young worked for Tom Graham asVirginia Anne died when she was 36.well. He had back wages coming, two full years worth, which he took out in cattle and started the Bar X ranchIN CONCLUSIONon Haigler Creek, some seven miles north of the oldSilas Young lived to be 95 years old and died in 1931. Graham ranch, about the turn of the century. He was a man that knew them all in the Pleasant Valley war, the Grahams, Charlie Duchet, the Tewksburys,April 2022Volume 9Issue 6 FREE Volume 9Issue 7 FREEMay 2022The Bar X included the old homestead and cabin ofJohn Rhodes, Jim Roberts, the Blevins boys and a host George Sigsby. Sigsby and Louie Houdon had been killedof others. All knew him as a man who stayed neutral there in 1882 by Apaches. The Sigsby place is wheredespite working for the Grahams. He was a man that YO Bill RoberI IN ts O : C INZIN SI P L L A E S AS UN G V R L DES W T RENDS SKIM ANT ALEY AHashknife cowboy Tommy Tucker, shot through thealways rode a white horse.Dakota Livesay HIEF EOLD WESTLEG COOLIDGE 2022 ProRodeo E AZ Road Trip: HALL N O D F UC F T A E M ESlungs at the Middleton cabin, is said to have crawled toJohn SamsillI EENE IROPING AND N T F H U Cand was treated for his wounds, almost dying and takingOla and Betty Young never married. Their sister KatieCIRCLEOF Lmonths to recover, in 1887.married Ed Gilleland, a relative of John involved in the shootout in January 1883. Katy died in October 1949, Bill Young built the Bar X into a large outfit, oftenthe first of the Young sisters to pass. Silas Young died in driving 1500 to 2000 head to Holbrook for shipment.Globe on May 16, 1931.Shutterstock / AshleyToltonArt403 N. Florence St., Casa Grande, AZ 85122(520) 426-7702WesternTradingPost.comBUY, SELL, TRADE, or AUCTION How can we help you?Upcoming Auctions: June 18th | July 30thArizonaRealCountry.com June 2022 31'