b'DID YOU KNOW, IN THE OLD WEST.By Lee Anderson, Old West Living Historian, Award Winning Author, and Old School HorsemanLee Anderson and his horse, Concho, are well known around the state doing presentations in schools, corporate events,and civic events. Learn more about them and his book on his website. historicaloldwest.orgT he termAbout 4,800 native Acoma still occupy their Sky CityIf you think todays political scene has gotten out of Manifestatop a 365-foot high mesa. Traditionally hunters andhand, check this out. On December the 4th in 1837, Destiny wastraders, the Acoma people now make their living fromafter a heated verbal exchange concerning the paying coined in 1845 when it was published in aa cultural center and casino complex.of a bounty on wolf pelts, the Arkansas Speaker of the summer issue of theDemocratic Review.ItHouse, Colonel John Wilson, attacked and killed Joseph described the philosophy behind the pushThe countrys oldestJ. Anthony, another legislator. This actually occurred on for expansion into the West, particularly thestate capital is Santathe floor of the Arkansas House of Representatives during Oregon Territory. It held that the U.S. wasFe which recentlya legislative session. Colonel Wilsons weapon of choice destined by God to expand their territorycelebrated its 400thwas a Bowie knife. Another Representative,Grandison D. and to bring democracy and capitalism toanniversary. OneRoyston,even threw a chair between the two but failed to the entire continent. of the oldest publicstop the fight. Then, to top it off, Wilson was acquitted. buildings in all of America, the Palace of Governors inWhen it comes to settling differences, todays politicians With communications being what it wasSanta Fe, was built in 1610. I find it interesting that theare a bunch of amateurs. in the time of the Wild West, convincingoldest city, the oldest capital, and one of the oldest public the public that an outlaw was actuallybuildings are all three in New Mexico.dead could be a challenge, so it became a custom to photograph the body. OutlawsThe telephone was invented in 1876.were often posed upright against a wallThe first community to have aholding their weapons and photographedtelephone, after the White House,as quickly as possible. The photographswas Deadwood, South Dakota.were also used as proof for collecting rewards. Basically, without theYou were safer in Tombstone,photo, there was no guarantee theArizona in 1881 than in Chicago, outlaw was dead. Illinois today in 2022. The famous OK Corral shootout that took the The countrys oldest continuouslylives of three men and wounded inhabited settlement is Acomatwo, occurred in 1881 and it was Pueblo near Albuquerque, Newthe most violent year the town of Mexico. It has been continuouslyTombstone, Arizona ever had.Courtesy of Old State House Museumoccupied since the 12th century. 80 Acres, Split Survey Recorded. 2 Wells.Power Close. Being Sold in Bulk or Individually.Multiple Use Zoning R1L-35, R2-3, and C1ArizonaRealCountry.com June 2022 9'