b'Cowboy WisdomLISTENCAREFULLYBy Pete FloresTexas rancher, passing on Cowboy wisdom and serving the Lord.W hen I moved to the Rolling Plains, I spend most of my weekends doing day work for different ranches. JB would call me often to help work cattle. JB and I had a great friendship even thou he was about thirty years older than me. I was single at the time and when JB would call me to see if I was available to help to work cattle, he would say, You know the routine. I would reply, Yes sir. As I mentioned last month, the routine was that I would get to his HQ one hour before the rest of the helpers for the day. As I walked in and said good morning to JB and his wife, I was handed a cup of delicious black coffee, followed by a great breakfast of bacon and eggs, biscuits, and gravy.Then we would saddle up, wait for the rest of the help and get the day started.One Saturday, we were working cattle and rotating them to another pasture. We missed a bull, but by the time we finished, it got dark. JB asked me, Pete, tomorrow after church do you mind coming and helping me rope that bull and bring him in. Yes Sir was my reply, because I loved roping and being on horseback. After church I went to JBs ranch and saddled up. JB was riding his favorite horse, Blackie and I 10% OFF was on Ole Yeller. We headed out and about one mile from the pens we found the bull. I roped him and JB heeled and hobbled the bull. JB told me to go get the truck and trailer. I was feeling good about the accomplishment and as I rode back, I just looked at the country and observed our Lords creation.I remember seeing some quail running through the grass following each other. What a beautiful family a quail ANY REGULAR PRICED ITEM family is, always sticking together. I rode back, tied my horse, and drove the truck and trailer to where JB and the bull were. I backed the trailer up to the bull, handed the rope through the trailer to JB and I removed the hobbles. The bull got up and Blackie Excludes Tools & Equipment. had no trouble pulling him in the trailer as I shut the trailer gate. JB got off Blackie and said, Pete, I will take the truck and trailer and you take my horse back to HQ.Mention Arizona Real Country Magazine. JB headed out and I proceeded to walk and lead Blackie. As I was getting close to HQ, I saw JB looking at me from the tack room. As I approached the tack room and made eye contact with JB, I saw a big smile and nod of approval. JB told to me take his horse back to HQ, he did not say to ride his horse back to HQ. Blackie was his favorite horse and only he would ride him.I had listened to what JB said to me about taking his horse back.I realized how important it is to listen and to respect others and their property. The Lord wants us to listen and be mindful of others property and respect their feelings. I have come to understand that we are all family on this earth. Just like that covey of quail I saw when riding back to the pen. They stick together and look out for each other.We need to listen deeply to what others say and just as the Lord wants us to listen to Him and be like a family for the Lord leads us in life. DYNAMITE HORSEMAN SUPPLY & DHS SADDLES NEWSAZ Tack (Gordy Nickolas and his family) have sold their business to Dynamite Horseman Supply! Dynamite Horseman Supply will now be the tack and saddle vendor at Linden, Show Low, and other areas in Northeastern Arizona. Dynamite Horseman Supply & DHS Saddles would like to thank the AZ Tack bunch for the opportunity to continue on with what they had going. Stop by and visit them at all of the northeastern locations.12 May 2023'