b'The May GardenBy Bridgette CrosbyM ay is a marvelous month!kids, watermelon seeds are fun, easy to plant, and The weather is warmer, thesprout within a few days. If you have an apple tree, soil is heating up and thenow is the time to thin the fruits, simply pull off plantings I placed in April arethe smaller apples and leave 2-3 on each bunch. growing rapidly. Thanks to theThis will give you larger apples and will prevent wonderfuloverstressing the tree when the apples rains we had, everything isare ready to harvest in July. flowering and the scent of apple and orange blossoms meld into aMay is also the month toFull Line of theFencing Arizona for wonderful aroma.remember Mom and to honor the many men and womenHighest Quality Products Over 50 Years!I finished pulling the last of thewho have given their lives duringPhotos by Bridgette Crosbycarrots, celery, and beets. Themilitary service for our country. recent heat will turn the celery bitter if not picked. Celery grownYou can create wonderful bouquetsBridgettes OrangeA Full-Service Residential & Commercial Fence Companyin the garden has a sweeter,of flowers using the blooms you find distinctive taste comparedin your own yard & garden. GivingBlossom Pieto store-bought celery. It is ahome-grown flowers is a unique way very versatile plant; you canto create lasting memories that 1 large orange, washed, with ends cut off At Elrod Fence Company, we understand the basic need eat it fresh, chop and freezeyou and your loved ones will 1 1/2 cups sugar (you may reduce sugar to protect your horses with the right height and style of it, or dehydrate the leaves tocherish. When arranging flowers, if you like) fencing to guard against your animals jumping over, or make celery salt. I leave a fewstrive for balance, the height of 1/2 stick butterplants in the garden to bloom.the bouquet should be at least 1injuring themselves from contact with the wrong fence type Pollinators love the blossoms and1/2 times taller than the height ofBlend all ingredients together in blender,or material.they produce tons of seed, which Ithe container or vase you placepour into pie crust, bake at 350 degrees harvest and save.them in. If not using a container,for 40 minutes, let cool, then chill in fridge.Elrod Fence Company horse fences are strong, durable, tie them gently with a ribbon orServe with fresh sliced strawberries andaesthetically beautiful, easy to clean and like any good Oranges are still plentiful on the tree,wrap them in tissue paper.edible flowers. Enjoy!wine they only get better with time. Our quality fencing so I have been trying new recipes out.is virtually maintenance free for years to come. We canWROUGHT IRON/VIEW FENCEOne of these recipes was inspired byMemorial Day is a perfect timedesign & Install your horse fence gate with the highestOur wrought iron or view fencing/gates offers customers the my husbands grandmother Gladys.to place some of your gardenGrandmasquality materials available. We can design reliable, beautifulsafety of an iron fence without sacrificing quality. Our design Every spring she would make theflowers on the resting places ofhorse fencing in a variety of heights, types, materials andteam can take your ideas into a beautiful master piece.most delicious lemon pie. So, thislocal heroes. Its not so much thePie Crust decoration to add to the appeal or any property and satisfy year, I decided to adapt the recipe andtype of flowers placed, but theHORSE SHADES any taste. Safe and secure fencing on your farm or ranchElrod Fence Company is a Phoenix-area fencing company try it with an orange. The results weremeaning and tradition behind 2 cups flour Elrod Fence Company horse shades are strong, durable,shows your dedication as a responsible horse owner. Elrodbased in Cave Creek, Arizona. We offer every type of incredibly delicious!the act. For our family and 1 tsp saltmany others across 1 tsp sugar aesthetically beautiful, easy to clean and like any goodFence Company will help you find the best horse fencingfencing design, length and material in order to fulfill any of May is a great month to plantthis great nation, the 3/4 cup chilled Crisco wine they only get better with time.We can design &possibilities for your property and your budget. your fencing needs.tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, sweettrue meaning behind 4-8 Tbsp cold water install your horse shade with the highest quality materials peas, radishes, okra, watermelon,Memorial Day hitsavailable. We can build reliable, beautiful horse shadesCHAIN LINK FENCING Our full line of products include vinyl, wood, ornamental, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, and beans. If youclose to home.Gently mix all ingredients with a fork, untilin a variety of heights and decorations to add to theAs a chain link fencing company in Phoenix, Arizona, Elrodand chain-link fences and gates for residential, want to get a jump start on your garden, selectcrumbly. Add water as needed to keep moistappeal or any property and satisfy any taste.ElrodFence Company is your premier fence design, installationcommercial, industrial, and high security applications. Your healthy transplants from your local gardenbut not sticky. Press into a ball, then rollFence Company will help you find the best horseand maintenance organization. particular fence will be billed to your specifications and center or you may plant from seed. If you haveout on a floured surface. Place crust in ashading possibilities for your property and your budget. according to your budget.greased pie plate, press or kink the edges of crust. Make sure you cover the edges ofHORSE FENCING Our specialties include: horse fences, privacy fences, the crust with tin foil after they reach a lightThroughout the Phoenix, Arizona area, Elrod Fencearenas / corrals, view fences, round pens, dog runs, cat golden color to keep from getting too dark. Company has been providing horse owners and boardersruns, shades, chain link, gates, wrought iron, RV gates, budget-friendly horse fences for many years. A horseRV shades, vinyl fence, pool fence, snake fences, wood fence not only keeps your horses in, but also keeps otherfences, rail fences, repairs and masonry work.humans and intruders away. Horse fencing is a major capital investment that should be carefully planned Our goal has always before construction. been to meet the needs of our customers, while providing the highest quality custom gates and fence products at competitive prices.WOOD/PRIVACY FENCING If you need a custom Wood fencing and privacy fencing by Elrod Fence Companygate or fence, contact in Cave Creek/Phoenix, Arizona can majorly augment yourus today to build the home or business. plan of your dreams.480-595-7528elrodfenceaz.com22 May 2023'