b'Crazy Horse continued from page 41Your own personal Wedding3. The controversy over Crazy Horse\'s statementsGrouard, perhaps sensing that he did wrong and had supposedly refusing to participate in the army\'s war againstgone too far, rushed out of the room and sought out the Nez Perce, a miscommunication by an untrustworthyBilly Garnett, practically begging him to continue the Coordinator handles EVERYTHINGscout and interpreter whom even Crook and his adjutanttranslations. Garnett did so but was unable to calm matters John Burke called a coward. down, as Clark once more insisted that Crazy Horse bring his warriors north to scout out and fight the Nez Perce. 4. Crazy Horse\'s supposed attempt to escape the Red CloudThe angry Oglala chief, sick and tired of Clark\'s broken from start to finish, and will be thereAgency - but did he really do so?(This last event finallypromises, his patience at an end, responded: "No! I told convinced Crook that Crazy Horse needed to be placed(White Hat) Clark what I wanted to do. We are going to under arrest.) move; we are going out there to hunt." Then, looking at the day of the wedding as well! What was real was Crazy Horse\'s clinging to the vision ofCrazy Horses Surrender, 1877 White Hat, he said, "You are too soft; you can\'t fight."having his own reservation away from the intrigues andGarnett translated Crazy Horse\'s words, including the the jealousies of other Sioux chiefs. Either those like Crookinsult. "You can\'t go there," Clark said (in response). "The and Clark didn\'t understand this, or maybe they just didn\'ttrouble is I don\'t want anybody to go there. That is the want to understand this, the desire to have a piece of landreason I am trying to get the scouts to go out there, to where his people would be able to sustain themselves as well"smoke and mirrors" to get Crazy Horse away so that Crook,head (the Nez Perce) off from that country." "If you want 2023as hunt. This is what Crazy Horse desired, wanted, insistedClark, and the jealous chiefs would get their way. On Augustto fight Nez Perce, go out and fight them," Crazy Horse upon, and he would gladly cooperate with the white officials18, with only three more weeks to live, Crazy Horse bluntlysnapped. "We don\'t want to fight; we are going to hunt." if this was granted. told Clark he would not be going to Washington, D.C., but"You cannot go out there, I tell you!" (Clark retorted.)would send several of his headmen to go. Clark became But they didn\'t want to know, and so it was a great tragedy,angry, and once more brought up the matter of the canceledCrazy Horse then turned to Touch-the-Clouds and his one that could have easily been averted if Crook, Clark,buffalo hunt, to which a visibly angered Crazy Horseown people in the room saying, "These people can\'t fight; Wedding Special Bradley, and the others were able to understand this. Butresponded that he did not need anyone\'s approval to go on awhat do they want to go out there for? Let\'s go home; this as said, maybe they didn\'t want to know. They consideredbuffalo hunt, nor to hunt for the "Great Father," saying thatis enough of this" (Ibid., p. 292). He then proceeded to Crazy Horse to be a troublemaker, a warmonger, and inhis father was with him, and that there was no Great Fatherstorm out of the conference room, followed by Touch-the-their minds, especially those of Crook, bested by Crazybetween Crazy Horse and Wakan Tanka (Gardner, The EarthClouds. Alarmed that Crazy Horse would now urge his Horse at the Rosebud, and Clark, who had finally lost allis All That Lasts, p. 290). followers to turn on the whites, Clark immediately wired patience with this stubborn warrior, maybe his being putColonel Luther Bradley, the commander of the nearby Fort Take$ 700 OFFout of the way, in prison - or dead was the only way theThings could only get worse, and they did. It took theRobinson garrison, who in turn wired George Crook, who Crazy Horse problem would be solved. blundering and appalling lack of linguistic skills by Crazyimmediately set out for Fort Robinson, hoping his presence Horse\'s one-time friend Grouard, of misinterpretedwould defuse the already quite volatile situation. He wanted your packageCRAZY HORSE REFUSES! comments made by the former at a subsequent meeting lessto once more talk face-to-face with Crazy Horse, who was Maybe those like General Crook, Lieutenant Clark, andthan two weeks later, on August 31 between the chief andquite amendable to meeting with Crook - until he heard - interpreters Frank Grouard and Billy Garnett felt that inClark to create the conditions where a rift would becomefalsely - that Crazy Horse was going to attempt to kill him!his willingness to work with Crook and Clark Crazy Horseinevitable between Crazy Horse and the Army officers. when you bookhad become weak, malleable, subservient, and willing toIt centered on Clark\'s demand that Crazy Horse and hisThis cock and bull lie was perpetrated by a cousin of Red be a stooge. If so, they totally underestimated the chief toOglala Scouts move north to Montana and participate inCloud named Woman Dress. Woman Dress blurted out that both their and his dismay and intense dislike. As early asthe army\'s struggle against Chief Joseph and his Nez Perce. Crazy Horse, armed with a hidden knife, would approach this month! the end of May or the beginning of June, just weeks afterWhen Lieutenant Clark requested the services of CrazyCrook pretending to shake his hand, and then stab him Crazy Horse promised peace to Lieutenant Clark, it was theHorse and his men to join the troops engaged in the pursuitto death. Preposterous yes, but given the fact that General latter, with the then enthusiastic blessings of Crook, whoof the Nez Perce, the chief exploded, reminding Clark "thatEdward Canby, a close friend of former President Grant offered Crazy Horse a buffalo hunt and a subsequent tripeven though they\'d enlisted as Indian scouts, they\'d beenhad been treacherously murdered by Modoc warriors to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Rutherford B.assured they wouldn\'t be asked to go to war with anotheronly four years earlier, Crook, Clark, Colonel Bradley and Hayes and other officials. nation. The chief had also again brought up the canceledthe others chose to believe it and decided not to take any buffalo hunt, which remained a major sore point. Thechances. Besides Crazy Horse had, in their minds, become Perhaps Lieutenant Clark (and General Crook) meant well,lodges of Crazy Horse\'s people were in poor shape, as wereincreasingly recalcitrant and hostile.The meeting with Crazy meant to keep their promises, but the promised buffalo hunttheir clothing, they needed a supply of buffalo robes. Horse was canceled, and in its place, Crook chose to meet soon unraveled, the trip to Washington, D.C. was offered towith Red Cloud, his associate chief, and that old nemesis of the other chiefs, and finally, Crazy Horse had had enough.Clark insisted it was their duty as scouts to go where theyCrazy Horse - No Water - who still hadn\'t gotten over the In a shouting match with Lieutenant Clark that hastened thewere ordered, to which Crazy Horse responded that hestealing of Black Buffalo Woman by Crazy Horse, vowing he beginning of the end, Crazy Horse flatly refused to go andwould go, but he would also bring his band so his peoplewould finish the job he had begun seven years earlier.fight the Nez Perce. could hunt, after which his warriors would help fight the Nez Perce. What Crazy Horse didn\'t reveal to Clark wasThe rival chiefs had bluntly told Crook that Crazy Horse had What had happened was this. Clark, perhaps naive in thethat taking his village along would allow the Oglala leaderto be killed. And while Crook demurred, supposedly insisting ways of the Sioux chiefs he had been dealing with, had notto move to the place he\'d selected for a reservation, on thehe preferred the Oglala war chief be apprehended and jailed, he reckoned with the jealousies and the animosities both Redother side of the Black Hills (Ibid., p. 291). nonetheless approved arming the rival chief\'s warrior bands - Cloud and Spotting Tail had towards their nephew. Theyand moving more troops into position at Fort Robinson. One averred that Crazy Horse would use the weapons given toMatters had disintegrated into a shouting match betweenhad to wonder what Crooks real motives were, an arrest or a him and his followers not to hunt buffalo but to make a breakCrazy Horse and Lieutenant Clark, each accusing thebeing killed in a trying to escape situation, for he was to be held to join Sitting Bull in Canada. The seeds of doubt placed inother of making broken promises, of not keeping theirin the guard house at Fort Robinson. This was a Fort Robinson Lieutenant Clark\'s mind, especially after countless meetingsword. This verbal keg of dynamite only needed one sparkwhere Colonel Bradley\'s subordinates, Captain James where he felt the wily young Oglala was "working" him asto blow things open, and it came in the form of FrankKennington and Lieutenant Frederic Calhoun had it in for much as Clark was "working" Crazy Horse were enoughGrouard, the swarthy Polynesian-born scout who was well- Crazy Horse for personal reasons. At Slim Buttes, Kennington to cause the young Lieutenant to cancel the Buffalo Hunt.versed in Indian ways, but was regarded by many as beinghad been severely wounded in the groin and was in constant What then followed was the decision to place in limbo Crazyuntrustworthy and yes, even being a coward, accusationspain; for Lieutenant Calhoun, his hate was an intense, private Horse\'s participation in the proposed visit of Sioux chiefsmade by Crook and his adjutant John Bourke. Now, withone, for he had lost a brother - Lieutenant James "Jimmi" to Washington, D.C. Both Clark and Crook had originallythings so heated, it took a misinterpretation, that CrazyCalhoun, Custer\'s brother-in-law and the commander of supported such a venture, and Crazy Horse himself had toldHorse and his friend, the Miniconjou chief Touch-the- Company L, 7th Cavalry. Sometime between 4:00 and 5 p.m. one of the interpreters, Garnett, that he wanted to learn howClouds, who was another veteran of the Little Bighorn fighton Sunday afternoon, June 25, 1876, Jimmi Calhoun and to eat like a white gentleman, at a table with a fork and awould take their bands north - not to fight the Nez Percehis entire company were wiped out by Sioux and Cheyenne knife. Clark, increasingly troubled by the chief\'s petulancebut to join them in waging war against the hated whites! warriors at the Little Big Horn. Frederic Calhoun, devoted to and demands for a separate reservation finally nixed the ideahis late brother, bitterly held Crazy Horse chiefly responsible of Crazy Horse boarding a train with the rest of the chiefs toAccording to Gardner, Clark flatly refused this proposition,for his brother\'s demise, and he vowed revenge.go see Rutherford B. Hayes. He wanted assurances from theand the exchange became heated. Grouard, who wasn\'t the Call Bella for Details: 480-488-9129chief that he would be supportive of staying at the establishedmost proficient interpreter, garbled the translations andNow Crazy Horse was just scant miles away, being practically agencies, totally anathema to Crazy Horse, who, if he hadn\'tsaid Crazy Horse and Touch-the-Clouds now threatenedin Calhoun\'s grasp. Betrayed by his own relatives and fellow realized in the past the resentment and the disregard histo take their bands north and to go to war against thechiefs, and in the midst of army officers who sought revenge, azrusticweddings.com uncles held towards him, he realized it now. Crazy Horse toowhites. (Some would later accuse Grouard of purposelynot accommodation, Crazy Horse had no chance. The knives had seemingly become paranoid, Nellie and his dwindlingmistranslating Crazy Horse\'s statements to cause the warwere out and he had just four more days to live. group of followers having felt that the Washington trip waschief trouble) (Ibid., pp. 291-292).Pick up our June issue for Part 7.ArizonaRealCountry.com May 2023 43'