b'subject of much criticism. Dickason did manage to payopened anyway on December 4, 1872. Dickason saw to itJuly of 1873 when Dickason took off to the first of the some jurors, even catching up on the debts to jurors createdthat the court operated smoothly during the trial and metfollowing year.by his predecessor. Early in his term as marshal, Dickasonall expenses. Despite his efficient carrying out of his duties had one of the most difficult cases yet to face a federalas the top federal lawman at the trial, his personal feelingsFOURTH & FIFTH NO IMPROVEMENTlawman in the territory. put him on the side of the defendants. Dickason put hisGeorge Tying, appointed in January of 1874, was an personal views aside and maintained order among theexperienced lawman and had spent several years in the The Camp Grant Massacre had split the already dividedcitizens who were demonstrating outside the court duringterritory. Little was heard from Tying for eight months, territory between Unionists and Confederates and betweenthe trial in favor of the defendants. when in August he asked if he should pay debts againstold pioneers who worked with the Indians and othersthe office created by Dickason. In September he requested who sought to kill them all. In 1871, the massacre of moreWhen the murderers were acquitted and the trial endeda 60-day leave of absence due to ill health. In Decemberthan 40 Indians by a band led by William S. Oury, a well- on December 14, Dickason found himself basking inhe resigned.known Confederate, and several other white citizens ofthe respect of those citizens who felt the acquittal had Tucson raided an Apache settlement near Camp Grant.upheld Arizonans rights to defend themselves against theIn February of 1875, Francis H. Goodwin was appointed The Anglo leaders had recruited some 100 Papago IndiansIndians, and those who favored the extermination of allmarshal for the territory. He resigned 18 months later and Mexicans to march on the Apache. Washington wasIndians in the territory. A year later, the light shining onand like his predecessors had failed to pay debts that shocked by the murder of the Apache and sought to bringDickason in the wake of the massacre trial had dimmed.accumulated during his term. The federal grand jury in the killers to justice. Many Arizona citizens sided with thoseHe found himself again charged with neglecting his duties.Tucson refused to issue any indictments because thewho staged the massacre. A movement was launched to oust Dickason from hisjurors knew Marshal Goodwin would not pay them. position, but it is doubtful he was worried about losingDuring this period, border banditry flourished in MARSHAL HARD TO FIND the post. He was off to an unknown location in the wildsthe southern areas of the territory with virtually no The district attorney began efforts to prosecute but foundprospecting for diamonds and had been there since a shortinterference from the marshals. Marshal Dickason difficult to locate to assist him. Dickasontime after the Camp Grant massacre trial.was out prospecting. District Attorney Rowell mentioned inNearly $30,000 in federal funds given to the marshals by his reports to Washington that the marshals office seemedA new district attorney in the territory, James E. McCaffrey,Washington disappeared along with two of the marshals. to be vacant. found Dickason was not only a compulsive prospector butInvestigators could find no records of expenses for the also a heavy gambler. McCaffrey suggested that the $12,000office, which, considering the intent of the marshals to Attorney General Ackerman became concerned andDickason had received from Washington had perhapseither abscond with or squander the funds sent for the discovered that Dickason had never acknowledged hisdisappeared on the faro tables of numerous saloons andoperation of their offices is not surprising. The federal appointment to the post in writing. Appointed in April,gambling houses in the territory but produced no facts tomarshals office in the territory during the first decade it was late in the fall before Dickason officially acceptedsupport his suggestion. Arizonans did not expect Dickasonof the offices existence was a joke; one that few Arizona the position. The same month, Washington informedto return to the territory from his prolonged prospectingterritory citizens missed especially those who had no use for Dickason that a charge of dereliction of duty had beentrip. They were right. He didnt. Washington meddling in the affairs of the new territory.filed against him. The following month a grand jury filed 108 indictments against the perpetrators of the CampFive years after Dickason departed the territory in 1873The incidents of federal law enforcement that did occur Grant massacre. he died in Deadwood, Dakota Territory while workingduring this period were carried out by deputy marshals, not as a barkeeper. Washington started proceedings againsttheir less-than-heroic bosses. Our first marshals were not of Marshal Dickason performed his duties well followingDickasons bondsmen to recover the $12,000 that hadthe same cut as the Hollywood heroes portrayed in movies the indictments, although he was unaware that there weredisappeared with the marshal, but the case went on andin our time. Far from it. These were guys who took the post any funds available on which to open the trial. The trialon for years. The office of marshal remained vacant fromto milk it for all the money they could get and did.ChoicePrime-Grade, All-Natural Family-Owned&OperatedLinsey Tweed, Owner20+ Years ExperienceOld-Fashioned Service Community AdvocateWe deliver! Make life easier withWe offer a large selection of beef, home delivery through Uber Eats. poultry, pork, exotics, and fishPLUS sides like jalapeno poppers, 480-488-96734705 E Carefree Hwy, Suite #101 bacon-wrapped asparagus, and facebook.com/lil.butcherbutchershopnearme.net twice-baked potatoes.ArizonaRealCountry.com May 2023 19'