b"Your ConstitutionsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association for Arizona, 623-866-3544. To learn more about our constitutions and your rights, contact me at Supremelawoftheland.comT here are two bills beingSo, all the current laws are unconstitutional and a proposed that are veryviolation of your civil liberties and rights.With this destructive to libertylegislation, they are asking you to grant the power and that fundamentally alterto the governor to repeat the COVID lockdowns all the power structure of ourover again with the promise they will come together government.The sad thing is, these bills arein the House and the Senate to stop it if they believe sponsored by Republicans, and they all voted yesit is necessary.When was the last time they did in their respective Houses and committees.I amanything like this? talking about HCR2039 and SCR1034.These areThe pressure from a shutdown forces both sides to initiatives that our state legislators want the peopleWhat is the alternative?Propose that the current lawswork with each other.This prevents one branch of to vote for to change our state Constitution.This is(ARSs) under Title 26 and 37 that unconstitutionallygovernment from developing too much power or crazy, I will explain.grant powers like lockdowns, masking, shuttingforcing unfavorable funding projects.It balances out businesses, and authorize your mandated medicalthe powers granted to each branch and is our checks What they want to do is grant the governor thetreatment and/or detention for quarantine toand balances. authority to declare a state of emergency underbe rescinded.These are all a violation of many our Constitution and restrict the declaration to 30constitutional protections and Due Process rights.To stop out-of-control spending or agencies, the days.Then all the parameters of the emergency areHouse has the power to NOT present a budget in determined by the legislature and the current laws. The other proposal is requesting you allow theorder to work out differences.And the governor So, essentially, they want to bring constitutionalgovernment to fail in its duties under our system ofhas the power to veto it for the same reasons. This authority to the laws we now have and grant theseparation of powers.They want you to say, with abill takes that away and fails to hold the government status of a king to the governor.Currently, theconstitutional amendment, that when our legislatureaccountable!They will no longer have the option governor has no constitutional authority to declare aand governor arent able to agree on a budget, justof not funding the continuation of government as state of emergency and neither does the legislature.continue the previous year's budget with committeesa tool, which is the power of the purse.In this making increases insituation, all necessary funding will continue for spending adjustmentsneeded services, no need to worry.This is one ofWe Get to be the Landlord until the current budgetmany problems we have in Congress.To avoid a is agreed upon.This isshutdown and justifiably anger the people due to YOULL GET PEACE OF MIND. another idea from antheir budgetary failures, they sign a continuing insane mind.resolution on the budget several times while continuing out-of-control spending.This must stop, How the system isyet now, they want to initiate it here in Arizona.supposed to work is theThese are proposed as an initiative for YOU to vote legislature is to proposeyes on them.Do not fall for this and vote NO.Why a general spending billare Republicans pushing this forward?You will have to the governor.Theto ask your representative this as I see no logical governor has the powerexplanation other than more power and control over of veto if he/she believesyou and laziness in their responsibilities. it is not appropriate. Shane Krauser and I will be doing an open public The legislature has theforum to educate you on these two bills, Central power to override aBank Digital Currency (CBDC), and why these are veto with a 2/3rds votedestructive under our constitutions and alternatives, of each house if theyon May 20th, from 1:00 to 3:30 pm at the Bill believe the governor isBurke Basic School, at 131 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, deliberately refusing85210.The forum is called, Our Constitution under to fund or discontinueFire; Emergency Powers, and Central Bank Digital funds when appropriate.Currency (CBDC). NOBLE REALTY & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT928-684-3041Serving Wickenburg, Wittman, Morristown, Circle City, Forepaugh, Aguila, Congress, and Yarnell.noblerealtypropertymanagement@gmail.comPatricia Aman Anne PowlasBR013483000 SA70414800038 May 2023"