b'Marshals continued from page 17U.S. Army forts in the territory were inhabited by whiskey,In 1870 the district attorney for the territory informed the cards, fandangos, and prostitutes and that the territory wasattorney general in Washington that serious complaints a haven for pleasure-seeking Army officers and a rogueswere being received regarding the misapplication of public paradise for crooked government contractors. money by Marshal Phelps. Phelps had resigned from his Army commission to become marshal, but had also set up Duffield did not get much support from the press of thea private practice in Tucson, had taken a lease on a mine, day. In fact, any favorable accomplishments the embattledand had a contract to deliver hay to Camp Crittendon. lawman may have made were doomed to darkness due toThe press reported his private income at more than $2000 his masterful alienation of the public. The editor of Theper year over and above his $200 annual marshals salary. Miner did not bother to conceal his glee when learningWashington began demanding of Phelps an accounting of Duffields resignation. He wrote: Having long sinceof what he had done with the $10,000 advance for the put Duffield down as insanewe seldom have mentionedoperation of his office that was sent to him.his name. Duffield spent much time in Washington after his resignation attempting to straighten out his financialIn January of 1871, Phelps announced that he was taking records as marshal. He continued to berate the Army anda vacation to Sonora. Three weeks later, the U.S. consul territorial government, as well as those unreformed rebelsin Guaymas reported the lawman had left Guaymas for and their allies in the territorial capital who had conspiredMatzalan on a British Man-of-War. A month later, reports against him. were reaching Arizonans that their marshal had skipped the country with $12,000 in federal funds in his pockets. Phelps NEW MARSHAL NO IMPROVEMENT continued to travel south into Mexico with the embezzled Edward Phelps, a Californian, became marshal of thefederal funds. His flightsuddenly ended in April when Arizona Territory in mid-1866. He had been the chiefMexican bandits killed him and took the money.surgeon at Fort Whipple when appointed to the post. Phelps was in office only a year when it became apparentNO CARPETBAGGERthat he fell a bit short of what was most desired for the topOn April 15, 1871, President Grant appointed Isaac U.S. lawman in the territory. Part of the duties of his officeDickason as marshal of Arizona Territory. Dickason was a was to find quarters for federal court hearings. He also wascitizen of the territory, a farmer, a land owner near Prescott, in charge of finding and paying jurors. an Indian fighter of note, and well-connected with territorial politicians. No carpetbagger, Dickason nonetheless was Washington subsidized the marshal to pay for theseafflicted with a popular territorial disease, prospecting fever.activities. In 1867, Phelps received a $10,000 advance from Washington to operate on until various fees charged byIn 1870, he was taken in by a reported diamond strike in the marshal could partly offset that sum. Phelps did notNorthern Arizona and joined the rush to the diamondless spend the funds for quarters for the courts, or for jurors. Afinds. He continued to be attracted to long prospecting trips grand jury in 1869 noted that court quarters were whollyfor the elusive Arizona diamonds after he was appointed unfit for the conduct of the courts business. At about themarshal, bringing charges early in his tenure that he was same time, disgruntled jurors began complaining about theneglecting his duty. The tarnished badge of the federal failure of the marshal to pay them. marshal in Arizona Territory did not need any additional tarnish from Dickason and he soon found himself the HAVE EQUINE PERFORMANCE CONCERNS?Is your horse experiencing anyWe Are Passionate About Ensuring Your of these performance issues? It might be time to call a sportsHorses Performance Is At Its Best!medicine specialist: Chronic unresolved lameness Coughing, difficulty breathingduring exercise Orthopedic problems related to theneck, back and pelvis Not performing at its peak abilityWe offer a wide range of equine sports medicine services: IN DEPTH MEDICAL and ORTHOPEDICEVALUATIONS and DIAGNOSTICS ADVANCED IMAGING (MRI, bone Dr. Fabio Aristizabal Dr. Rachel Liepman Dr. Lea Walker Dr. Martin Vidalscans, static and dynamic endoscopy) A variety of PROTEIN and CELL-basedREGENERATIVE THERAPIES SURGICAL SERVICES 34705 N 14th StreetPhoenix, AZ85086 EQUINE REHABILITATION SERVICES 623-581-5508cavecreekequine.com18 May 2023'