b'HISTORYS MOST Unsung HeroPon yBy Lee Anderson, Old West Living Historian, TehAward Winning Author, and Old School HorsemanLee Anderson and his horse, Concho, are well known around the state doing presentations in schools, corporate events, and civic events. Learn more about them and his book on his website. historicaloldwest.org 2nd Hand StoreT he documented history of human civilization is full of key individuals who had a profound impact on our modernWe Collect & Deliver lives. Men such as Galileo who established the basics for modern astronomy, Pythagoras, whose mathematicalYour Merchandisetheorems are used daily by every modern engineer, or Thomas Edison whose inventions were the foundations of todaysFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEcommunication and entertainment technology. Example after example can be pointed to in this respect. Of course, there have also been those whose discoveries and efforts have had a significant impact on modern life and we will never know who they662 W. Wickenburg Way were. Like the wheel or even the simple cooking pot. Using wind to pump water from deep underground was absolute genius.WickenburgOpen MondaySaturdayWho came up with the safety pin or the paper clip? The answer to these and a million other similar inventions is, of course, Nobody knows. These geniuses enriched our lives but are forever lost to history. thepony2ndhandstore.comHowever, there is one group that historically had a most profound impact on modern life in America today. Interestingly, that928-231-2730928-232-2019key group is still conspicuously alive and among us to this very day. Whats most puzzling about this group is how seldomWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand it is properly recognized for its vital contribution to civilization. This is not conjecture. It is a solid, unarguable fact backed& New Merchandiseup by reams of documentation and objective evidence. The problem is that this evidence is seldom compiled in a formatYour Home Furniture Supplies Storethat emphasizes the overall social and economic value this key group has had on our American culture and this lack ofSpecializing in Appliancesrecognition exists for one simple reason; while it is flesh and bloodit isnt human. But, this key group is so well known that nearly everyone today can instantly recognize it when they see it.Jane and Peter Kibblepony2ndhandstore@outlook.com Im talking about the lowly mule. Thats right. Everyone has heard of Man-o-war, Secretariat, Trigger, Champion, and Silver but how many have heard about some of the heroic efforts mules have made when the American West was being settled? This is no exaggeration. The first thing done by most of those who decided to pull up stakes and put all their belongings in a covered wagon was to procure a good team of mules. Yes, there were other options such as oxen and horses but mules were preferred. Why? Because its physiological makeup allowed a mule to stand a lot more hardship than a horse and it was faster than the extremely slow oxen. A mule will eat almost anything and can survive on less than either oxen or horses. Lameness wasnt as severe a problem because their feet are much tougher, they are far more sure-footed, and they have a far more keen sense of survival than either oxen or horses.Come enjoy a great time and delicious menu at the depot!OPEN DAILY 2pm11pm (or later if the party is still going!)CLOSED on WednesdaysFor example, if overheated, a mule simply will not take on so much water as to cause fatal HAPPY HOUR 4pm-6pm on Beers, colic whereas a horse will. Also, when the wagon reached its destination the mules providedDrafts, Drinks, and Appetizers the pioneer with the power for farming, mining, logging, construction, transportation, or whatever occupation the settler might choose. The living power and sacrifices of hundreds KARAOKE Every Thu. and Sat. from 7pm-11pmof thousands of harness and pack mules were key factors in the settling of the American POOL TOURNAMENT on Sundays at West. Well into the 20th century, the U.S. Cavalry depended on thousands of mule pack2pmCall to sign up!TO-GO Orderstrains to supply front-line troops with ammunition, food, and medical supplies. Over 500,000 mules saw service during WW I and another 500,000 in WW II. In actual fact,27200 S State Hwy 89 Congress, AZ 85332mules have served in every American military conflict including Afghanistan. Granted, it928-427-6355was not in the same numbers as the World Wars but, they were still performing the very same job. Boy, talk about unsung heroes! ArizonaRealCountry.com May 2023 31'