b"From the Back OF THE BOXBy John SamsillYou can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com if you have any questionsor would like to schedule a clinic or a lesson.C urrently, there are quite ahopefully filling the needs of each owner. So the best rope few rope horse sales goinghorse in the world would come with a hefty price but if on. Reputable sales suchyou are looking for a horse for your child to learn how to as the one that Ty Yost hosts atrope on this wouldnt be the horse you need. You could Rancho Rio and the Hershbergerprobably spend much less on this type of horse but that sale that Jason Hershberger putswouldnt mean that the horse who takes great care of your on give ropers a chance to see a lot of really nice horseschild wouldnt be worth, at least to you, as much as the at one time. Over the past few years, there has been anbest one in the world.increase in really good horse trainers and professional ropers bringing horses to these sales. With that, there hasHave an idea of what youre looking for before you go.also been an increase in the sale price of these horses.AIts very easy to get caught up in the hype about some of lot of this can certainly be directly attributed to the qualitythese great horses coming through these types of sales.of the horses. Any time a person is purchasing a horseAs I mentioned above, just because a horse may be the there are a few things to be aware of and guidelines tobest head or heel horse there doesn't necessarily mean stick to but with the excitement and pressure at a horsethat is the horse you need or want.So its a good idea to sale, these guidelines are especially important to adhereremember what you need when you start to bid on a horse. to. Everyone has some guidelines that are unique to themWill he fulfill your needs or are you thinking, like I usually but I would like to give you some that may help you if youdo, I have to have that horse!Its easy to think that when choose to buy a horse at a horse sale. you watch the preview and they work so well.One thing to remember and ask about at the preview is does this The first guideline should be how much is the maximumhorse require much riding? Remember that these horses amount of money you will spend on a horse. I know somehave been being ridden in preparation for this sale andhorses do not stand around. In most cases, these people people may not have to put a limit on what they will orhave not been standing around.If you do not have themay not even know how a horse would be if he stood for can spend but for the majority of us, there is.I have beentime or inclination to ride your horse a lot the horse maya period of time because they simply havent allowed that asked more times than I can count how much a certainchange when he is not being ridden.This is not a knockto happen. So if you do get one home and allow him to sit horse is worth. My answer is always the same. He or sheon any horse, it is just the way most horses are, especiallyaround it doesnt matter how much you paid for that horse is worth whatever someone will give you for him or her. the younger ones. At these larger sales, the owners andhe will still act like a horse, get fresh and on the muscle if There is no bluebook on horses and so that is the mosttrainers who bring these horses are very reputable. Theyhe isnt ridden, or in an extreme case buck.This is in no honest answer that I can give.Each horse is an individualhave a regiment which they stick to so most of theseway a reflection on the people you bought him from. A horse is still a horse.The last thing I will say is that these people showing these horses are very good ropers and trainers. They usually ride lots of horses and make a horse look good. Again this is not because they are trying to fool anyone or misrepresent the horse. Its as natural to them as walking.So when you buy one of these horses they may not work the same with you riding them.If you are trying to find a horse that will fit your level of expertise then by all means ask if he would fit a low-level roper. Remember, you are trying to fill a need and when you get the horse home your needs are still the same, so make sure that the horse you buy will fill those needs.As I said earlier, a quality rope horse sale is a great place to see a lot of horses in one spot. The quality of the horses is usually very high and you should be able to find just what youre looking for at one. If not, then get the names of some of the consignors and see what they have left at home. They may have left your perfect horse at home.Remember when youre attending one of these sales, have fun and bring the best one you can home! Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box.* I would like to thank my sponsors: Usher Brand Silver and Saddlery,Fast Back Ropes, Omega Fields Supplements, SaddleRight Saddle Pads,and Hassayampa Veterinary Services. . . 12 March 2022 &ILIIO rmi'BT W&IDU"