b"Glendale Equestrian ClubRIDE REPORT THE BULLS By Dodge Marshall ARE BACK gecriders.comMARCH 5TH RIDE TO WESTERN TRAILS RANCHT en GEC riders staged in Wittmann at member Jane Y.'s home. Jane was the ride leader and ELITE, UNIQUE & MEMORABLE. ITS WHO WE ARE! led us out through a rural residential area. WeWe enjoyed a great BBQ lunch served corral-rode approximately two hours through the desert to Western Trails Ranch in Morristown, stopping alongside by Dillons BBQ. After lunch and some good the way to water the horses.conversation, we rode backto Jane's home following a ITS ALWAYS The Western Trails management was verysimilar route. We did stray accommodating as our first tie-up area was tooff onto some well-used A GOOD TIME be the bull riding arena but a bounce housecattle paths, went back to ended up there first!! Western Trails Ranchthe watering hole to rewater was hosting an AZ Kidz Experience, so thethe horses, and then on to AT 12-acre facility was teeming with families.Wittmann again. We sharedTEAM Lucky for us the roping arena was open, soa cold beverage with our host WESTERN TRAILS we got a full view of the horses from ourwhile we let the horses rest ROPING picnic tables and we were able to keep a safebefore loading them into the TUES NIGHTS RANCH! and watchful eye on them. The horses weretrailers for home. & tied to the arena railings which was a big hit THURS-SUN for many of the children. This was their first MONTHLY 9:30 AM exposure to a horse. Photos by Vicki RitzBULL RIDING,MUTTON BUSTINEach Office Independently Owned and Operated.L I N DA S T E V E N S , PLLC& CALF/STEER 2000W Wickenburg WayWickenburg, AZ1445 W Kendrick$745,900forRIDING 145 Via Tortuga $725,000 PendBuying and Selling 420 N Mariposa $417,000 Pend Your Home and Land 30819 Ft Apache$269,900 WickenburgMoves 2xx Shawnee (New) $750,0009 2 8 . 2 3 2 . 9 0 6 0.com MEETOUR 3NEWALPACAS!67 Acres PleasantRidgeRanch Land IVia Tortuga Horse Prop Turnouts/Tack/LapPlayPool @SA6.31 AcCherokee Ln $23911 DivideRandlettes orOFFER! IntoEnjoy *MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $35 360 VIEWS$791,860 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS.DINE-IN ONLY. ONE COUPON PER TABLE.BUZZARD SALOON 12 ACRES OF energy A GENERAL STORE NOT VALID ON CATERING ORDERS. rc WickenburgMoves.comEXPIRES 3/31/2022928-232-9060ArizonaRealCountry.com March 2022 59"