b'GUERO\'SYour Constitutional RightsDeli&By Randy MillerMarketDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association for Arizona,623-866-3544MY FAMILY AND I WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A WARM WELCOME TO ALL. INSIDE, YOU WILL FIND A WIDETHE THREAT OF ASSORTMENT OF PASTRIES, SANDWICHES ANDDIGITAL CURRENCYHOMEMADE HOT MEALS!- SIM M adison addressed the dangers of printing paper money in Federalist No. 44. Madison was concerned that paper money was not backed by anything of value and is fiat money because it only has value based on government decree. Historically, paper money has proven to be destructive to those countries that use it because it is manipulated by the government.It produces inflation through excessive printing, resulting in the devaluing spending power and ultimately collapsing those governments that used it. Madison proudly stated, The extension of the prohibition to bills of credit must give Wickenburg pleasure to every citizen, in proportion to his love of justice and his knowledge of the true 2027 W Wickenburg WayHours: 11am-7pm springs of public prosperity. The loss which America has sustained since the peace, from the pestilent effects of paper money on the necessary confidence between man and man, on the necessary confidence in the public councils, on the industry and morals of the people, and Bring in this ad and receiveon the character of republican government, constitutes an enormous debt against the states chargeable with this unadvised measure, which must long remain unsatisfied; or rather an A FREEaccumulation of guilt, which can be expiated no otherwise than by a voluntary sacrifice on the altar of justice, of the power which has been the instrument of it. In denying the states Soft Servethe power to print money or prove with equal force that they ought not to be at liberty to substitute a paper medium in the place of coin.Ice Cream! Gold was the intent and legal coinage for our currency. It was evident in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5, Congress shall have the power to "coin money and determine the value thereof. Coining money has always been gold or silver coins because it has a value that we can measure. You cannot measure the value of that paper in your pocket other than basing it on how much trust you have in the government that prints it. Plus, the more being printed, and they have been printing a lot, the less value it has. Printing is the manipulation of the power of the people. Money is strength; the less we have, the weaker we are compared to those in power that control the economy. Digital currency is a recent addition to government controls. You only have to observe Chinas social credit system and its application to individual spending as a privilege rather than a right to see the dangers. Canada is now monitoring the social posts of its citizens. If they dont like what you post, a law enforcement officer shows up at your door. Imagine how easy it will be to penalize Canadian citizens if they only have to lower a social score, thus limiting spending power for necessities. We must not allow this, not only because it is unconstitutional but the end of liberty. It is the end of any hopes we may have of ending the coup dtat on our country Bring in this ad and receiveand people other than the last resort, which no one wants. 2 Free DrinksLike the Declaration of Independence says that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. I have read several state Constitutions. Each of these states has the same verbiage in their state with any 2 breakfast, lunchConstitution\'s declaration of rights. Arizonas Constitution says, All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the or dinner combinations! governed and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.Political power has somewhat differing definitions, but basically, it is the power to influence change, to get others to do something, or control actions; it is exercising power. It includes the power to make law. This is inherent in the people, not legislators or government. We loan it to those we elect to Bienvenidos work on our behalf and with our interest in mind. It comes from the people, and we musttake it back. Welcome to the Original La Canasta, owned and operated by theAbril family. We hope you enjoy our fine Mexican food, tradition We must not allow digital currency and must eliminate the current monetary system in place, that has been in our families kitchens for generations. Our family getting back to a standard of valuation. It is unconstitutional and destructive to individual recipes were developed by Richard and Carmen Abril and have been economic liberty. Get involved in your legislative districts and tell your legislators to stand for favored since 1962. We look forward to serving you Arizonas finest Arizona against any attempt to go to a digital currency. Mexican food from our family to yours.Two Great Locations to Serve You! Ask prospective candidates where they stand on this and tell them when they are wrong. Let those in the audience hear your voice of knowledge. Show that the individual claiming to be Wickenburg Phoenix qualified to be in office isn\'t qualified. If they give the correct answer, demand it be a public commitment to stand against digital currency and come out with a public statement. Get other 2023 W Wickenburg Way 2501 W Van Buren candidates to do the same. Our elected officials and those aspiring to be your representative at Hours: 8am-7pm Hours: 6am-6pm the state or federal level must unite with us or not be allowed to sit in the seat.Call In Your Orders To Go! If you want to get involved in constitutional groups and work with us in our efforts for change, please get in touch with me. If political power is inherent in you, how can you not be Wickenburg: 928-415-0031Phoenix: 602-278-7097 involved? My number is for those who love our country, people, and flag. I stand with you; please stand with me. Learn our Constitutions, and then use what youve learned.* 16 March 2022 .,armhunr'