b'A View ofTHE ZOOWildlife World Zoo Aquarium and Safari Park Ring in the New YearWith the Arrival of the Biggest Freshwater Fish in Arizona!G iant gar fish, weighing in at over 200 lbs. andWith more than 600 species and 6000 animals on stretching seven feet in length, now call the massivedisplay, there are always new arrivals at Wildlife World "River Monster" exhibit at Wildlife World home.Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park, open 365 days a year! These are some of the largest freshwater fish in the world. They are true river monsters! Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park is located at16501 W. Northern Ave., Litchfield Park, AZ (SE Corner "Fortunately we can provide these incredible and HUGEof State Route 303 and Northern Ave.) Open seven days a fish the space they need to thrive and be ambassadorsweek, 365 days a year, including all holidays. Zoo exhibits to the public, helping their wild counterparts that areare open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (last zoo admission struggling to exist," said Director of Media Relationsis at 4:30 p.m.) Aquarium exhibits are open from 9:00 Kristy Hayden. a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Admission includes access to the Zoo, Aquarium, and Safari Park.Other River Monster arrivals include the sharp-toothed red-bellied piranha and the impressive giant black pacu. Guests will be amazed and educated as they meet the new residents, coming face to face with real-life river monsters! The more people learn about these exotic animals, the more they\'ll be motivated to ensure they survive for the world we leave our children, grandchildren, and future generations.The River Monsters are not the only new arrivals at the Aquarium! Our beyond-cute Asian small-clawed otter family welcomes their newest member! At just seven weeks old, visitors can see the parents raising theFor more info: (623) 935-WILD (9453) or visitpup and teaching the baby to swim! It\'s all part of theFacebook, Instagram, or Twitter @ZooWildlife,successful breeding program at Wildlife World that isand www.WildlifeWorld.com.helping keep this vulnerable species viable.Contributing photographers: Charles Ralston, Lee Magenheim, Lorenzo Fuentes and Jolene Westerling-See Some Cool Cats. ; -1 i: I smli Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari Park. 6,000 animals, 8 shows daily, IA,==: : tons of rides, a thousand thrills and a million smiles. All in One Day! Everyday! :i !I Arizonas Ultimate, Year-Round Family Fun Destination.I GOOD FOR FOUR! Not valid with any other discountsOff Admission Per Person/$20 ValueArizonas Largest Collection of Exotic Animals. I I Northern Ave. and the 303 Freeway I I 623-935-WILD (9453)WildlifeWorld.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5I I I I $I I I 2022 WWZASP Real Country HP.indd 1 12/21/21 9:37 AMArizonaRealCountry.com March 2022 63'