b"Maricopa County FairBy Caroline WerkhovenT he Maricopa County Fair (April 6-10) is rapidly approaching,AZ and the 4-H staff is ready! On Saturday, April 2nd, we are hosting our annual 4-H General Projects Day. This is when our 4-H youth, who have been working hard all year long, get to show off what they have accomplished. Youth will have the4-H opportunity to participate in conference judging, where they can talk with a judge, share what they have learned, discuss any struggles they had with their project, explain their project, and get some expert feedback. New for this year, exhibitors can choose to sell their items(s).All exhibits and awards will be on display in the Party Gras building, southwest corner of the Arizona State Fairgrounds, during the fair.Also during the fair, 4-H staff will host several activities for the public and our 4-H members and volunteers. Look for scavenger hunts, ladder ball, cake decorating, flower arranging competitions, and other activities.We would love to see you at the Maricopa County Fair! MaricopaCountyFair.org/entries-and-more * 4-H is an equal opportunity organization under the Maricopa CountyExtension, University of Arizona. For more information on clubs contactextension.arizona.edu/4h/maricopa.BE.:L 98.1OOVl\\T'l'RT-PLAYS YOUR ALL-TIME COUNTRY FAVORITES, ALL THE TIME [ ] l!f!flf{f!f!!fl !MCliAAWsi- MIRAN~ GEoRGE~ ~ imi' STRAIT ~JOHNNY ~ PARTON ,~CASHA LITTLE KINDNESSNGOES A LONG WAYCHESNEY TOBYALAN HEiliJACKSON ARIZONAREALCOUNTRY.COM50 March 2022 armc.unr"