b"Vet continued from page 5amino acids methionine and lysine. The minerals zinc,so youll need to be a savvy shopper to identify the copper, and manganese are critical to the formation ofproducts likely to be more worthwhile than others.hoof horn, and hoof and bone-building calcium is often supplied via calcium carbonate derived from eggshellsStart by reading the labels. Look for one that lists and calcium pantothenate. ingredients clearly along with amounts of each. There is no requirement for supplements to display this Coat Quality: Supplements formulated to improveinformation, but reputable companies will. Also look for the coat will often also contain biotin along witha lot number, which allows companies to keep track of&IUIGIIA pyridoxine, a B vitamin needed for the production ofeach batch and its a sign of quality control. Finally, lookBBII- GDlllffllT amino acids critical to hair growth. Other B vitaminsfor a phone number. A reliable manufacturer will make are also sometimes added, including riboflavin andit easy for you to get your questions answered. Also, look/'IBIMA9&11n folic acid along with flaxseed and fish oils, sources offor the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) omega-3 fatty acids. Also, as in hoof products, coatSeal of Quality.I supplements may contain the amino acid lysine and the amino acid methionine. The next step takes some work but is critical. Compare the ingredients in the product youve selected to the Respiratory: There is limited research in horses lookingnutritional makeup of your horses current diet. This at what supplement ingredients might support lungmeans collecting any of his other supplements and the health. Typically supplements marketed to support lunglabel off a bag of his feed and comparing the ingredients health contain a combination of ingredients including,in each. You need to avoid overloading your horse omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, MSM, superoxidewith any one nutrient. In many products, grains are dismutase (SOD), and quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonolfortified with vitamins and minerals so the chance of that occurs naturally in many vegetables. Based onoverlap is significant. That overlap increases with each work in test tubes, scientists believe it has anti-allergicadditional supplement in your horses diet. This is where properties in part due to its ability to inhibit histaminemultivitamin supplements can be helpful. Instead of production as well as the release of pro-inflammatoryfeeding three separate products, which risks overloading cytokines. Data on quercetin and its impact onon some nutrients, you may be able to find one productJanuary 2022Volume 9Issue 3 FREE Volume 9Issue 4 FREErespiratory allergies is preliminary and more work isthat covers all your nutritional bases safely. YourFebruary 2022needed to determine its true impact. veterinarian or an equine nutritionist can offer you some guidance if you have a lot of variables to consider.THE PRODUCT Once youre familiar with the ingredients commonFinally, of course, price is a consideration. Cheaper in a supplement category, its time to select a specificisnt always better, especially if the product that saves product. The Food and Drug Administration does notyou money lacks label information or any evidence regulate supplements as strictly as it does medications.of quality-control measures. It takes a bit of work, but73 RD ANNUAL RUSH GOLD S DEODAY& ROThe efficacy of supplements does not have to be proventhe payoff comes when youve selected a product thatCELEBRAT - ION , A2 I 02213,FEB I11 BURG RZONA Photo:Craig W. Cutler Fine Art2120berg,utzperfectly rounds out your horses diet.* Sch WCKENneetsBob Boze Bell:OYOUR IONAL TRUEThe ArizonaCONSTI I TUT S WEST SDuuude: RGHT TRO N NN E IX ERNGovernmentMOMEN 1/14/22 1:35 PMARIZOAW M S A T SpendingSTUNT NWickenburg Chamber-AZ Real Country Feb cover 1.indd 1ArizonaRealCountry.com March 2022 7"