b"HERDER SEEKINGREVENGE ON RANCHERBy Bill Roberts Reprinted from The TravelerA BOUT 20 MILES DOWN THE VERDE RIVER from Camp Verde, early in October 1902, a one armed sheepherder named August Raymond was lying dead on the ground of a lone goat ranch near Cold Water Springs. A few weeks earlier, Raymond had worked for a man named John Smith as a herder. Smith came up to the ranch of George Hance nearKILLER TELLS OF DEEDVerde on a Monday night, apparently intending toSmith stated calmly that Raymond was spend the night. Smith sat talking with several mendead and that he had shot him. Hance, on the Hance place when one of them asked abouta justice of the peace, heard Smiths statement andwould have to return to his ranch. Raymond told the Raymond, knowing that he had worked for Smith aimmediately sent men out to look for Raymondsneighbor he was lying in wait for Smith.few weeks past. body while he summoned a coroners jury. The judge rounded up J.J. Sullivan, James Reaves, John Bristow,Smith learned of this latest threat when he stopped George H. Bishop, Hunter Wright, and a manat the Sullivan Ranch, three miles from his own. named Trimle as the jury and set out for the scene ofSmith remained at Sullivans until about 2 a.m. and the crime. They found Raymond sprawled in frontthen headed home. While at Sullivans, Smith vowed of Smiths cabin door, covered with a canvas just asto hunt out Raymonds camp and shoot him down Smith said he left him. like a jackrabbit. Smith did not encounter Raymond ImDr. Palmer, who Judge Hance had brought alongon the road but arriving home he found that someone had entered the cabin and removed all the as examining physician, found Raymond had onecartridges from his rifle. Smith went to bed, staying bullet hole in his left side and another through hisin his cabin until noon.shoulder. The latter passed downward, breaking the IITGUB 'FATAL CONFRONTATION shoulder blade and backbone before lodging under one of Raymonds ribs near his armpit. Dr. PalmerHe then saw Raymond approaching. When removed the slug. A third shot, fired after RaymondRaymond was in front of the door Smith asked was down, entered the back of his head and camehim what he wanted. Raymond made no reply but I l l out through his nose. reached in a sack that hung in front of him as if to get a gun. Smith had been watching Raymonds Smith later told the jury that he had left Raymondmovements from a kneeling position through the in charge of some goats and the herder had allowedcracks in the shake door of the cabin.mountain lions to get at the goats and kill them. U!IOlllll:r\\10UltlT Smith said Raymond then burned the goat carcassesAccording to Smith, when he saw Raymond reach .IOII to prevent Smith from finding out. into the sack, he fired. Raymond staggered from the impact of the shot. Smith fired again. Raymond fell, FIRING SPARKED MURDERstriking the cabin door and forcing it open. Smith When confronted by Smith, Raymond denied hesaid Raymond still had his hand inside the sack, so had burned the carcasses. Smith called Raymond ahe fired again.liar and ordered Raymond off his goat ranch. He had already filled Raymonds spot with another herder.RANCHER TURNS SELF INRaymond left, saying he would see him again, andSmith then found the herder he had hired to replace camped a mile or so away. While camped, RaymondRaymond, told him what happened, and rode to told one of the neighbors that he would give SmithJudge Hances ranch to give himself up. When the a chance to apologize but if Smith failed to do so, hejury examined the sack, they found it contained no would shoot him. gun, but 25 .45 caliber revolver cartridges and some personal effects. In another sack that had hung from Smith went into Camp Verde after hearing of thisRaymonds right shoulder, the jury found a large .45 threat to see what could be done about Raymond.caliber revolver. That was enough to get Smith off on While Smith was in town one of his neighbors ranself-defense in the killing of his discharged former across Raymond on the road over which Smithgoat herder. * 44 March 2022 armc.unr"