b'THE GREAT FRONTIER TOWN GARAGE SALE Saturday, November 16th& Sunday, November 17thALL WELCOME AND BRING YOUR STUFF!Once again it is time for Frontier Town Where theto clear stuff out of the warehouse but Pavement Ends andthis time its going to be big! We are the West begins! inviting everyone to BRING THEIR STUFF SHOPS OPEN TOO so we can have one big day that DAILY! we all get to clean out our closets.FREE PARKING, 10 x 10 booth space available for a $10 donation per day to the Frontier Historical Society.Derek James PhotographyYour own personal Wedding Coordinator handles EVERYTHINGOnly with this coupon!from start to finish, and will be there$1,000 OFF!!!the day of the wedding as well!If you book one of our all inclusive wedding azrusticweddings.com packages on select dates in 2019.For more information: 480-488-9129frontiertownaz.com16 November 2019'