b'Vet continued from page 5The most common complication of long-standing chokean allergic reaction, pneumonia, or something more chronic is aspiration pneumonia, which can be serious.It is alwayssuch as heaves. Count the number of respirations in one advisable to monitor your horses temperature for one weekminute with one breath equaling inspiration and expiration. after the treatment. A horse that experiences recurrent bouts of choke should have an oral exam to evaluate for potentialLAMINITISdental problems or have an endoscopic exam to identifyLaminitis or founder is an inflammatory condition of the potential problems in the throat or esophagus. hoof that commonly presents as lameness in both front feet and sometimes all four feet. Your horse may be reluctant OPHTHALMIC EMERGENCIES to walk, walk very stiffly, lie down more often than usual Eye injuries should always be considered an emergency.or constantly shift weight from one foot to another, rock Minor problems can rapidly develop into a serious problem.back or sit on his hindquarters or act like his hind end Possible signs of include eyelid swelling, excessive tearingis painful. These signs may be acute in onset or be more or other drainage from the eye, squinting or holdingslow to develop. Take the following steps until your horse eyelids closed or partially closed, cloudiness or a blue haze,can be examined by a veterinarian. Confine him to a stall redness of any part of the eye, laceration of the eyelid, or ayou are not comfortable taking your horses temperaturewith deep bedding, stop feeding grain or treats of any kind, penetrating wound of the eye.ask your veterinarian to show you how to do so at your nextincluding apples and carrots, do not allow access to grass, appointment. Being able to report your horses temperaturefeed only grass hay and if possible soak the hay for 30 The best way to observe your horses eye is with a focal lightis extremely helpful. Your vet will probably ask if your horseminutes in warm water or 60 minutes in cold water prior source like a pen-light or small flashlight.If your horse ishas been traveling or if you have any other horses that haveto feeding. Do not give any medications unless directed by uncooperative, do not force the issue. Often sedation andbeen sick recently. Fever is one of the most common signsthe veterinarian. Laminitis is a potentially life-threatening blocking the eyelids is necessary for an evaluation. of a viral respiratory infection such as flu or rhino. If feversituation that should be taken seriously from the outset. is accompanied by colic signs, diarrhea or neurologic signsPrompt veterinary attention and cooperation with your Common eye problems include blunt trauma, cornealyour horse should be examined that day. If your horse isfarrier are essential to a positive outcome.abrasions or ulcers and uveitis also known as moonsimply lethargic and not quite himself, you may just be blindness. The treatment for uveitis is absolutely notprescribed symptomatic treatment and close monitoring forNEUROLOGIC SIGNSappropriate in the presence of a corneal ulcer. Never put an24-48 hours. Some examples of classic neurologic signs in the horse are ointment that contains a steroid in your horses eye withoutstumbling, loss of balance, incoordination, unable to chew veterinarians approval. As long as you can be sure that theINCREASED RESPIRATORY EFFORT AT REST or swallow, droopy lip, eyelid or ear, severe depression, not cornea is intact, it is okay to rinse the eye with saline orFlared nostrils, increased respiratory rate and excessiveresponsive to normal stimulation, compulsive circling, and apply an antibiotic-only ointment prior to the vets exam.movement of the flanks during breathing are commonacute onset blindness. Most neurologic diseases are not A cold compress is helpful if there is significant swelling.signs of respiratory difficulty in horses. If your horse hastransmissible to humans. When a horse exhibits neurologic Often, the vet will recommend a dose of bute or Banaminebeen galloping around the paddock or youve just finished asigns you should minimize contact with the affected horse, for anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.strenuous ride, then give your horse 10 minutes or so to coolalways wear disposable gloves and quarantine from other down and re-evaluate his breathing. However, if you findhorses until a definitive diagnosis is reached. Neurologic FEVER your horse in such a state while he or she is simply standing,horses are often a danger to themselves and their caretakers. If your horse seems depressed, has lost his appetite or is justthen the situation is much more serious. Move your horse toBe extremely careful when working around a horse who is not acting himself, one of the first things we recommend is toa well-ventilated area or put him in front of a fan as long as itunbalanced and uncoordinated. In some cases they can be take his temperature. It is good to know your horses averagedoes not blow too much dust around. Check his temperaturemanaged at home, however referral to a specialty hospital temperature when he is feeling normal, but essentially theand listen for any other respiratory noises such as wheezingfor intensive supportive care is often recommended early normal temperature for a horse should be 98.5-100.5F. Ifor gurgling in the throat. Such signs could be indicative ofbecause transportation can be difficult if not impossible as signs progress. 164 N. Tegner St Design with a twist!Wickenburg, AZ928-232-2340WESTERN LIVINGFURNITUREARTACCESSORIESArizonaRealCountry.com November 2019 7'